NIAS Seminar Announcement:

A New Area for Japan-EU Co-operation by Professor Hiroshi Okuma

Torsdag, 17 marts, 2005 - 14:15 to 16:00

Professor Hiroshi Okuma from Seijo University, Tokyo, will give a presentation on the topic:

"Partnership between Two Leading Donors: A New Area for Japan-EU Co-operation in the Field of North-South Development Dialogue"

Abstract: As influential members in the global donor community, Japan as an "aspiring" Leading Donor and the European Union as an "established" Leading Donor, share fundamental development thinking and strategy. The objective of this lecture is, primarily focusing on Japan's search for the way to "Leading Donor" status in the 1990s, to shed light on new areas for Japan-EU Co-operation within the new context of North-South relations in the post-Cold War era of globalization.

Hiroshi Okuma is a Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Law, Seijo University, Tokyo, Japan. He has been working on comparative examination of EU Development Co-operation Policy and Japan's Official Development Assistance Policy.

All welcome!

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/10/2012