Women make up half of the new Global Executive MBA class

On Monday 26 September, the new Global Executive MBA class embarked on their international learning adventure. For the first time women make up half of the new Global Executive MBA class.


Women make up half of the new Global Executive MBA class

GEMBA Class 2016 Intro Photo
On Monday 26 September, the new Global Executive MBA class embarked on their international learning adventure. True to CBS standards, all participants have been carefully screened and vetted before gaining admissions. It was a group of experienced executives that entered the E-MBA classroom, with the average profile holding 17,5 years of work experience and 11 years’ of managerial experience.

"The first week was off to a great start and I am really enjoying getting to know my new classmates. It is challenging but great to be back in school,  and I look forward to applying the tools and frameworks in my own practice,” said participant Henriette Holmgård, who is a dentist and private practice owner.

A third of the class stem from outside of Denmark and we are particularly proud to be able to report that almost half of this class is made up of female executives.
“This is the highest percentage of female participation since we started the Executive MBA back in the early nineties and a development we view as highly positive, as it ensures different perspectives and contributes to making the learning experience richer for everyone,” commented admissions manager Lone Ryevad Boysen.

The group has already immersed themselves in courses such as Financial Statement Analysis and Leading Responsible Corporations. Next time they meet will be in Shanghai, to explore Supply Chain Management and combine theory with practice.

We wish the class all the best for their exciting learning adventure ahead and look forward to following their journey!
If you would like to learn more about the new class or the programme, please contact Lone Ryevad Boysen on mba@cbs.dk or +45 3815 6002

The participants in the new Global E-MBA class represent a wide variety of sectors, as illustrated in below pie chart.

CBS GEMBA 2016 sectors

Sidst opdateret: Executive MBA // 04/04/2022