Anker Brink Lund raises six million DKK for a proposed Center for the Study of Civil Societies

Professor Anker Brink Lund from Department of Business and Politics at CBS has now raised the first six million DKK for the establishment of a proposed Center of the Studies of the Civil Society.



Professor Anker Brink Lund from Department of Business and Politics at CBS has now raised the first six million DKK for the establishment of a proposed Center of the Studies of the Civil Society.

One million DKK is donated by the Realdania and five million DKK is granted by the Tuborg Foundation – thus far.

The platform has allocated 60,000DKK in seed money for the funding and establishment process. Like the platform, the center will aim to create new forms of collaboration between researchers, citizens, foundations, private and public actors in the hope to development innovative solutions in the cross field of state and marked.


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 26/02/2013