New report

Need for collective commercial policy in creative industries


Need for collective commercial policy in creative industries

Berlin, London and Barcelona are emphasising creativity – something Copenhagen should do as well. A commercial policy has to be developed for the creative fields of work, to supplement the already existing policies within art and culture. Commercial policies that take into account the particular workings and conditions of these creative industries.These are just some of the recommendations in a new CBS report in connection with an analysis of the creative industries in Copenhagen.

“It’s about time that Copenhagen learns from other big cities and implements a strategy for the city’s creative potential. This is not only about jobs and monetary transactions, but also about the value that creative industries add to other fields of work and their ability to attract highly educated and international employees to the city”, the authors of the report say.

The report: "Rammebetingelser for Københavns kreative brancher - report

2006" can be downloaded 


Sidst opdateret: Communications // 10/07/2006