CBS-students win in Riga

Innovation, precision and financial strategy


Yesterday 4 students from CBS won Peak Time, the largest business student case study competition in the Baltic Region.

The team, consisiting of Stefan K. Madsen, BSc in Business Administration and Philosophy and Theresa Dahl, BSc in Economics and Business Administration, Simon Schock and Troels L. Bentsen, BSc in Business Administration and Computer Science, won the finals ahead of 20 other teams from leading universities. They won by solving a case from Nokia and by solving another case developed by the London School of Economics regarding a construction project in Belarus.

"One reason we won may be partly ascribed to the fact that we all have a great interest in entrepreneurship. For example, three of us are part of the Stardust Network" says Simon.

Sidst opdateret: Communications // 10/07/2006