Lars Nørby Johansen - new adjunct professor on CBS

Nørby Johansen holds an MA in Political Science and is President and Chief Executive Officer of Group 4 Falck A/S


Welcome to Lars Nørby Johansen

There are very few who succeed this remarkably well in the private sector after having spent 12 years as a university professor. Everything Lars Nørby Johansen has done after leaving academia in 1985 is highly relevant for the CBS position.

"Lars Nørby Johansen's research background, his business career and his contribution to the Report of the Nørb-Committee make him eminently qualified and suitable for this position. In particulary we support this appointment because of the need to establish closer links between theory and practice ind the area of corporate governance. We believe that Lars Nørby Johansen will play an important role in the regard as an adjunct professor at CBS", says head of the department of International Economics and Management Torben Pedersen.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 03/11/2004