Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi
Liping Jiang is an Associate Professor at the Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School. She has her research and teaching in the area of economics, including shipping economics, price analysis, asset valuation, investment decision-making, decarbonization and risk analysis.
Her research also works in conjunction with the subject areas such as logistics, servitization, decision-making, industrial competitiveness and mitigation of environmental impact. She works closely with quantitative modelling. Her research has been published on peer-reviewed articles international journals, including International Journal of Production Economics, Transportation Research Part E, Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part D, Maritime Policy & Management, Maritime Economics and Logistics, Annals of Operations Research and Business History Review. She is the guest editor of several journals. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Maritime Business Review and the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME).
She has been involved in different projects funded by various stakeholders, including the European Regional Development Fund, the Danish Innovation Fund, and the Den Danske Maritime Fond. She acted as both principal investigator and task leaders of different projects within proven experience on project management.
- Economic analysis of shipping markets
- Investment decision-making
- Asset valuation
- Decarbonization and sustainable financing
- Pricing and revenue management
- Transportation route choice and logistics performance
- Compliance strategy to shipping environmental regulation
- Risk analysis
Teaching activities/experiences in the following courses:
- Teaching activities/experiences in the following courses:
- Shipping Business Analytics
- Supply Chain Risk Management
- Shipping Economics and Maritime Transport
- Economic and Environmental Evaluation on Green Shipping Investment
- Applied Market Analysis
- Supervision of Bachelor thesis, Master thesis and Business Projects for various CBS programs.
Selected publication
- Yang, D., Jiang, L. and Ng, A.K.Y. (2018). One Belt one Road, but Several Routes: A Case Study of New Emerging Trade Corridors Connecting the Far East to Europe. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Vol. 117, No.11, pp. 190-204
- Chen, G; Rytter, N.G.M., Jiang, L. and Jensen, L. (2017). Pre-announcements of Price Increase Intentions in Liner Shipping Spot Markets. Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, Vol. 95, 1.2017, p. 109-125
- Chen, G. and Jiang, L. (2016). Managing customer arrivals with time windows: a case of truck arrivals at a congested container terminal. Annals of Operations Research, (Vol 244, Issue 2), 349-365. DOI: 10.1007/s10479-016-2150-3
- Jiang, L., Kronbak, J. and Christensen, L. (2014), Costs and benefits of sulphur reduction measures: Seawater scrubber versus marine gas oil. Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment, 28, 19-27
- Jiang, L., Bastiansen, E. and Strandeness, S.P. (2013), The international competitiveness of China’s shipbuilding industry. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 60, 39-48
- Chen, G., Govindan, K., Yang, Z.Z., Choi, T.M., Jiang, L. (2013), Terminal Appointment System Design by Non-stationary M(t)/Ek/c(t) Queueing Model and Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol146, 694–703
- Jiang, L. and Hansen, C.Ø. 2017. Pricing strategy for the marine supplies industry. Report for Blue INNOship Project No. 15: Servitization: creating the market for understanding price, cost, contract and financing. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- Jiang, L. and Al-Ajlouni, O. 2017. Pricing of marine products and services in the modular age. Report for Blue INNOship Project No. 15: Servitization: creating the market for understanding price, cost, contract and financing. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
- Jiang, L. and Hansen, C.Ø. 2016. Target costing as a strategic tool to commercialize the product and service innovation. Report for Blue INNOship Project No. 15: Servitization: creating the market for understanding price, cost, contract and financing. Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
I: Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 189, 9.2024
I: Maritime Business Review, Vol. 8, Nr. 4, 2023, s. 351-371
I: WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 20, Nr. 3, 9.2021, s. 401-403
I: Sustainability, Vol. 12, Nr. 1, 2020
I: Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspectives. . red. /Okan Duru. Abingdon : Routledge 2019, s. 138-156 (Routledge Maritime Masters, Vol. 6)
I: Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspectives. . red. /Okan Duru. Vol. 420, Abingdon : Routledge 2019, s. 99-117 (Routledge Maritime Masters, Vol. 6)
I: Transport Policy, Vol. 82, 2019, 2 s., s. 75-76
I: Maritime Business and Economics: Asian Perspectives. . red. /Okan Duru. Abingdon : Routledge 2019, s. 118-137 (Routledge Maritime Masters, Vol. 6)
I: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice , Vol. 117, 11.2018, s. 190-204
I: Business History Review, Vol. 91, Nr. 4, 1.2017, s. 707-734
I: Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, Vol. 95, 1.2017, s. 109-125
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2017, 27 s.
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2016, 2016
I: Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 244, Nr. 2, 2016, s. 349–365
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2016, 23 s.
I: International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 7, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 494-520
I: Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 41, Nr. 7, 2014, s. 667-682
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economist. IAME 2014, 2014
I: Next Generation Supply Chains: Trends and Opportunities. . red. /Wolfgang Kersten; Thorsten Blecker; Christian M. Ringle. Berlin : epubli GmbH 18.9.2014, s. 311-341
I: Transportation Research. Part D: Transport & Environment, Vol. 28, 2014, s. 19–27
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2013, 2013
I: International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 146, Nr. 2, 2013, s. 694-703
I: Transportation Research. Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Vol. 60, 12.2013, s. 39-48
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2013, 2013
I: Maritime Economics & Logistics, Vol. 14, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 480-497
Paper presented at The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economist. IAME 2012, 2012
: Syddansk Universitet. Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet 2012
I: Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 39, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 339-351
I: ECONSHIP 2011 Conference Proceeding7.2011
I: Current issues in shipping, ports and logisticsBelgium : Universiteit Antwerpen 2011, s. 51-68
Esbjerg : Syddansk Universitetsforlag 2011, 36 s.
Paper presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, 2010
København : Altinget.dk 16.11.2023
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2017, 25 s.
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