
Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura

  • Centre for Business History
Anders Ravn

Kontor: POR/18.B-2.141b
, Mobil:
+45 2989 8799

I am associated professor at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. My research focuses on the interconnection between legitimacy, institutions, and nationalism. I am particularly focused on the ways that organizations and actors appropriate narratives about national collectives as a way to legitimize practices and business models.

My research focuses on three main areas:

Uses of history: I am interested in the ways organizations and companies have used and appropriated the past in order to increase legitimacy, facilitate change and build their brands.

Nationalism and monetary history: In particular how the legitimacy of currencies and central banks relates to national identity.

Maritime history and the historical, narrative construction of maritime and seafaring nations.

I am member of the editorial board of Kulturstudier – a Danish journal of ethnography and history.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Uses of history in organizations
  • Maritime history
  • Brand- and corporate heritage
  • Financial and monetary history
  • National identity and nationalism


Curriculum Vitae
Link til denne hjemmeside
  • Instiutional theory (BA-level)
  • The company in society (BA-level)
  • Historical methods in organization studies (PhD-course)
  • Communicating as a manager (Master of Public Governance)
Andre undervisningsaktiviteter

Public lectures and presentations on organizational uses of the past and Danish maritime history.

Udvalgte publikationer

Anders Ravn Sørensen / “Too Weird for Banknotes” : Legitimacy and Identity in the Production of Danish Banknotes 1947–2007. In: Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol. 29, No. 2, 6.2016, p. 182 206

Anders Ravn Sørensen; Ellen Mølgaard Korsager; Michael Heller / A Bittersweet Past : The Negative Equity of Corporate Heritage Brands. In: Journal of Consumer Culture, 11.5.2018

Anders Ravn Sørensen / Danmark som søfartsnation: Fortællinger, identitet og interesser gennem 250 år. [Denmark as a maritime nation: narratives, identity and interests through 2050 years]. Gads Forlag, 2020. Book.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Børsen
København : Gad 2024, 335 s.
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Erik Gøbel: Under sejl. Til Asien, Afrika og Amerika. Gads Forlag, København 2021
I: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 124, Nr. 2, 2024, s. 531–534
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Loving Christophe : Autoethnography, the Human and Business History Methods.
Paper presented at European Business History Association 27th Annual Conference. EBHA 2024, 2024
Paper > peer review
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Make Peer Review Great (Again?)
I: Business History, Vol. 66, Nr. 4, 2024, s. 799-801
Kommentar/debat > peer review
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Med skibet i kroppen. Mennesker og maritimt miljø i Det sydfynske Øhav 1750–1950: by Palle O. Christiansen
I: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 11.2023, s. 320-322
Anders Ravn Sørensen; Benjamin Asmussen / Maleriets forbandelse : Jagten på et kunstværk og dets ejere.
København : Gad 2023, 310 s.
Bog > peer review
R. Daniel Wadhwani; Anders Ravn Sørensen / Methods of Musement : Cultivating Serious Play in Research on Business and Organization.
I: Management & Organizational History, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 1-15
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Shipping Legitimacy and Identity : The Danish Maritime Museum, 1915 and 2013.
I: International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 35, Nr. 4, 11.2023, s. 532-547
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Andrew Smith; Nicholas Wong; Anders Ravn Sørensen; Ian Jones; Diego Coraiola / Historical Narratives and the Defense of Stigmatized Industries
I: Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 31, Nr. 4, 10.2022, s. 386-404
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Anders Ravn Sørensen; Ellen Mølgaard Korsager; Michael Heller / A Bittersweet Past : The Negative Equity of Corporate Heritage Brands.
I: Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 21, Nr. 2, 5.2021, s. 200-218
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
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