Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura
- Centre for Business History

I am associated professor at the Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy. My research focuses on the interconnection between legitimacy, institutions, and nationalism. I am particularly focused on the ways that organizations and actors appropriate narratives about national collectives as a way to legitimize practices and business models.
My research focuses on three main areas:
Uses of history: I am interested in the ways organizations and companies have used and appropriated the past in order to increase legitimacy, facilitate change and build their brands.
Nationalism and monetary history: In particular how the legitimacy of currencies and central banks relates to national identity.
Maritime history and the historical, narrative construction of maritime and seafaring nations.
I am member of the editorial board of Kulturstudier – a Danish journal of ethnography and history.
- Uses of history in organizations
- Maritime history
- Brand- and corporate heritage
- Financial and monetary history
- National identity and nationalism
- Instiutional theory (BA-level)
- The company in society (BA-level)
- Historical methods in organization studies (PhD-course)
- Communicating as a manager (Master of Public Governance)
Public lectures and presentations on organizational uses of the past and Danish maritime history.
Anders Ravn Sørensen / “Too Weird for Banknotes” : Legitimacy and Identity in the Production of Danish Banknotes 1947–2007. In: Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol. 29, No. 2, 6.2016, p. 182 206
Anders Ravn Sørensen; Ellen Mølgaard Korsager; Michael Heller / A Bittersweet Past : The Negative Equity of Corporate Heritage Brands. In: Journal of Consumer Culture, 11.5.2018
Anders Ravn Sørensen / Danmark som søfartsnation: Fortællinger, identitet og interesser gennem 250 år. [Denmark as a maritime nation: narratives, identity and interests through 2050 years]. Gads Forlag, 2020. Book.
I: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 124, Nr. 2, 2024, s. 531–534
Paper presented at European Business History Association 27th Annual Conference. EBHA 2024, 2024
I: Business History, Vol. 66, Nr. 4, 2024, s. 799-801
I: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 71, Nr. 3, 11.2023, s. 320-322
København : Gad 2023, 310 s.
I: Management & Organizational History, Vol. 18, Nr. 1, 2023, s. 1-15
I: International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 35, Nr. 4, 11.2023, s. 532-547
I: Journal of Management Inquiry, Vol. 31, Nr. 4, 10.2022, s. 386-404
I: Journal of Consumer Culture, Vol. 21, Nr. 2, 5.2021, s. 200-218
I: Søfartshistorier: Danmarkshistorien til søs. . red. /Jeppe Nevers; Anders Ravn Sørensen. København : Gad 2020, s. 6-31
København : Gad 2020, 304 s. (Årbog/ M/S Museet for Søfart, Vol. 79) (Maritim Kontakt, Vol. 42)
I: Søfartshistorier: Danmarkshistorien til søs. . red. /Jeppe Nevers; Anders Ravn Sørensen. København : Gad 2020, s. 166-185
København : Gad 2020, 296 s.
I: The American Historical Review, Vol. 125, Nr. 5, 12.2019, s. 1814-1816
Paper presented at The 22nd Annual European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference, 2018
I: Kulturstudier, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 2018, s. 81-109
I: Proceedings of the Seventy-eighth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. red. /Guclu Atinc. Briar Cliff Manor, NY : Academy of Management 2018, 1 s. (Academy of Management Proceedings)
I: Kulturstudier, Vol. 9, Nr. 1, 2018, 4 s., s. 5-8
I: Økonomi & Politik, Vol. 90, Nr. 2, 6.2017, s. 26-35
Paper presented at The 2016 Business History Conference Annual Meeting, 2016
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 9, Nr. 2, 2016, s. 173-185
I: A Global Game: Sport, Culture, Development and Foreign Policy. . red. /William Billows; Sebastian Körber. Göttingen : Steidl 2016, s. 145-149 (Culture Report / EUNIC Yearbook, Vol. 8)
Paper presented at The 11th Global Conference of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group 2016, 2016
Paper presented at Fußball als Instrument der Nationenbildung I: Deutschland, Westeuropa, Zentral- und (Süd-)Osteuropa, 2016
I: Journal of Historical Sociology, Vol. 29, Nr. 2, 6.2016, s. 182-206
Paper presented at 2015 BHC-EBHA Meeting, 2015
Paper presented at The 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association 2015, 2015
I: International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society, Vol. 28, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 325-347
Paper presented at The 31st EGOS Colloquium 2015, 2015
Abstract from Everyday Nationhood, 2014
I: Ianus - Diritto e Finanza, Nr. Special Issue, 2014, s. 41-60
Paper presented at Building up a EU-based Payment System, 2014
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2014, 263 s. (PhD series, Nr. 22.2014)
I: Celebrity Studies, Vol. 5, Nr. 3, 2014, s. 364-367
I: National Identities, Vol. 16, Nr. 1, 1.2014, s. 31-51
I: Kulturstudier, Nr. 1, 5.2013, s. 118-142
Paper presented at The 17th Annual European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference, 2013
Paper presented at The Association of Business Historians 21st Annual Conference 2013, 2013
I: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 61, Nr. 3, 2013, s. 209-232
I: Business History Review, Vol. 86, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 813-815
Paper presented at The 16th Annual European Business History Association (EBHA) Conference/ 1st Joint Conference with BHSJ (Business History Society of Japan), 2012
I: Grønlandsk kultur- og samfundsforskning 2010-12. red. /Birgit Kleist Pedersen; Flemming A. J. Nielsen; Karen Langgård; Kenneth Pedersen; Jette Rygaard. Nuuk : Forlaget Atuagkat 2012, s. 129-146
Vejle : JFM Lyd 2025
: Saxo Podcast 2024
København : Saxo Podcast 2024
Hillerød : Frederiksborg Nationalhistorisk Museum 2024
I: Børsen, 26.9.2024, s. 22
Skovlunde : Radioplay 2024
I: Jyllands-Posten, 19.4.2024, s. 19
: Nexus Kommunikation A/S 2023
: Nexus Kommunikation A/S 2023
: Nexus Kommunikation A/S 2023
I: Weekendavisen, 11.2.2022, s. 13
I: Berlingske, 7.12.2022, s. 20-21
Aarhus : 2020
Aarhus : 2020
I: Berlingske Tidende, 6.5.2017, s. 15
I: Børsen, 7.3.2017, s. 5
I: Boersen, 24.1.2016, s. 2-3
I: Weekendavisen, 24.6.2016, s. 11
I: Berlingske Tidende, 29.2.2016, s. 8
I: Berlingske Tidende, 22.3.2016, s. 12
I: Boersen, 18.2.2016, s. 4
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Konservative kroner
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