Institut for Business Humaniora og Jura
- Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Leadership Unit

Stefan Schwarzkopf is Associate Professor at the Department of Business Humanities and Law. His research sits at the crossroads between organizational theory, market studies and entrepreneurship. Schwarzkopf’s research helps society understand the challenges that emerge when entrepreneurs and companies as actors with a supposedly economic rationale engage with value-driven social movements. Empirically, he studies how organizations engage in non-market strategies. In numerous publications and research grants he reconstructed how the demand for virtue and ‘morality’ changes organizational strategies, and ultimately capitalism, as organizations begin to interact with the competing civil religions of our time. Theoretically, his research puts thresholds, borders and the act of concrete space ordering centre stage – as an antidote to contemporary emphasis on time, events, fluidity, and assemblages.
Schwarzkopf has published in leading journals in management and organization studies, economic sociology, and market studies, such as Organization Studies; Organization; Economy and Society; Environment and Planning D; Marketing Theory; and Theory, Culture & Society. He was Principal Investigator of two DFF-funded research projects (2020-2023). He has won the 2009 Coleman Prize for Best PhD Dissertation in British Business History (awarded by the Association of Business Historians), the 2012 Charles Slater Award for the Best Article in the Journal of Macromarketing, and a number of teaching awards at CBS. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Historical Research in Marketing. He is involved in organizing the bi-annual Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop.
- Non-market strategy
- Institutional logics of sectarianism
- Business and civil religion
- Business, democracy and geopolitics
- Organization theory and spatial ontology
- Organizational magic
- Virtues and values in business
- Economic sociology of markets and consumption
- Entrepreneurial market development
Theories of Modern Society (BSc Business and Sociology)
Consumer Culture and Marketing (BSc Business and Sociology)
Economic Sociology of Markets and Innovation (MSc in Business and Philosophy)
Market Development (MSc in General Management and Analytics)
The Use of Concepts: Choosing and Unfolding Concepts
Social and Organizational Theories of Transformation
I am supervising undergraduate and postgraduate theses in the areas of organization studies, entrepreneurship, business ethics, business and democracy, marketing and consumer research, LGBT+ branding, ‘woke capitalism’.
Stefan Schwarzkopf (with J. I. Backsell) (2023), ‘Hiding in Plain Sight: Organizational Magic as a Contested Process of Revelation and Concealment’, Organization Studies, Vol. 44, No. 8.
Stefan Schwarzkopf (with J. I. Backsell) (2021), ’Nomos of the Freeport’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 39, No. 2.
Stefan Schwarzkopf (2020), ‘Sacred Excess: Organizational Ignorance in an Age of Toxic Data’, Organization Studies, Vol. 41, No. 2.
Stefan Schwarzkopf (Editor) (2020), The Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology. Abingdon: Routledge, 395 pp. (Routledge International Handbooks).
Stefan Schwarzkopf (2019), ‘Magic Towns: Creating the Consumer Fetish in Market Research Test Sites’, Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 20.
I: New Media & Society, Vol. 27, Nr. 1, 1.2025, s. 502-521
I: Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. . red. /Susi Geiger; Katy Mason; Neil Pollock; Philip Roscoe; Annmarie Ryan; Stefan Schwarzkopf; Pascale Trompette. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2025, s. 1-18
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2025, 520 s.
I: Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. . red. /Susi Geiger; Katy Mason; Neil Pollock; Philip Roscoe; Annmarie Ryan; Stefan Schwarzkopf; Pascale Trompette. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2025, s. 401-404
I: Market Studies: Mapping, Theorizing and Impacting Market Action. . red. /Susi Geiger; Katy Mason; Neil Pollock; Philip Roscoe; Annmarie Ryan; Stefan Schwarzkopf; Pascale Trompette. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2025, s. 144-160
I: Journal of Business Ethics, 10.9.2024
I: Society, Vol. 61, Nr. 3, 2024, s. 322-332
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, 9.2024
I: Transformationens politik: Ledelse af tidens udfordringer. . red. /Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen; Dorthe Pedersen; Erik Mygind du Plessis; Jette Sandager. København : Nyt fra Samfundsvidenskaberne 2023, s. 29-40
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 44, Nr. 8, 8.2023, s. 1259-1280
I: Political Theology Today: 100 Years after Carl Schmitt. . red. /Mitchell Dean; Lotte List; Stefan Schwarzkopf. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, s. 1-10
London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, 256 s.
I: Political Theology Today: 100 Years after Carl Schmitt. . red. /Mitchell Dean; Lotte List; Stefan Schwarzkopf. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2023, s. 94-108
I: Konference: Dansk kønsforsknings indre og ydre rammer: Under hvilke betingelser tager dansk kønsforskning form? Hvad er, kan og bør dansk kønsforskning være?. . red. /Michael Nebeling Petersen. København : Københavns Universitet 2022, 1 s., s. 40
I: Economy and Society, Vol. 51, Nr. 3, 7.2022, s. 422-442
I: Journal of Economics, Theology and Religion, Vol. 2, Nr. 1, 2022, s. 9-11
I: Book of Abstracts. Gender, Work & Organization. 11th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference: Transforming Contexts, Transforming Selves: Gender in New Times. Canterbury : University of Kent 2021, 2 s., s. 590-591
I: Ephemera: Theory & politics in organization, Vol. 21, Nr. 3, 8.2021, s. 229-331
I: Consumption Markets and Culture, Vol. 24, Nr. 4, 8.2021, s. 329-342
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 14, Nr. 6, 12.2021, s. 732-749
I: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Vol. 39, Nr. 2, 4.2021, s. 328-346
I: Business History Review, Vol. 94, Nr. 2, 2020, s. 439-442
I: The Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology. red. /Stefan Schwarzkopf. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, s. 1-15 (Routledge International Handbooks)
I: The Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology. red. /Stefan Schwarzkopf. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, s. 107-115 (Routledge International Handbooks)
I: The Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology. red. /Stefan Schwarzkopf. Abingdon : Routledge 2020, s. 163-172 (Routledge International Handbooks)
I: Organization Studies, Vol. 41, Nr. 2, 2.2020, s. 197-217
Abingdon : Routledge 2020, 395 s. (Routledge International Handbooks)
I: Consumer Culture Theory. red. /Domen Bajde; Dannie Kjeldgaard; Russell W. Belk. Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing 2019, s. 121-135 (Research in Consumer Behavior, Vol. 20)
I: Les Études Sociales, Nr. 169, 2019, s. 93-108
I: The Oxford Handbook of Consumption. red. /Frederick F. Wherry; Ian Woodward. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2019, s. 27-50
I: The SAGE Handbook of Consumer Culture. red. /Olga Kravets; Pauline Maclaran; Stevens Miles; Alladi Venkatesh. London : SAGE Publications 2018, s. 435-452
Paper presented at The 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, 2017
I: Business History, Vol. 59, Nr. 8, 2017, s. 1155-1175
I: The Routledge Companion to Marketing History. red. /Brian Jones; Mark Tadajewski. Abingdon : Routledge 2016, s. 61-83 (Routledge Companions in Business, Management and Accounting)
I: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 8, Nr. 1, 2016, s. 197-214
I: Entreprises et Histoire, Vol. 81, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 143-146
I: Consuming Behaviours: Identity, Politics and Pleasure in Twentieth-Century Britain. . red. /Erika Rappaport; Sandra Trudgen Dawson; Mark J. Crowley. London : Bloomsbury Academic 2015, s. 121-138
I: Journal of Cultural Economy, Vol. 8, Nr. 6, 2015, s. 721-729
Paper presented at The 31st EGOS Colloquium 2015, 2015
I: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, 2015, 1 s.
I: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 7, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 476-485
I: Contemporary British History, Vol. 29, Nr. 1, 2015, s. 151-154
I: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 7, Nr. 3, 2015, s. 295-309
I: BioSocieties, Vol. 10, Nr. 4, 2015, s. 465-482
I: Marketing Theory, Vol. 15, Nr. 1, 3.2015, s. 39-57
Paper presented at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting. ASA 2015, 2015
Paper presented at The 3rd Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, 2014
I: Macromarketing and the Crisis of the Social Imagination: Proceedings of the 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference. . red. /Alan Bradshaw; Mikko Laamanen; Alex Reppel. Berlin : The Macromarketing Society 2014, s. 1010-1111 (Proceedings of the Annual Macromarketing Conference, Vol. 2014)
I: Television Audiences Across the World: Deconstructing the Ratings Machine. . red. /Jérôme Bourdon; Cécile Méadel. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2014, s. 33-52
I: European Review of History, Vol. 20, Nr. 5, 2013, s. 859-879
I: Varieties, Alternatives, and Deviations in Marketing History: Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Historical Analysis and Research in Marketing (CHARM). . red. /Leighann C. Neilson. Copenhagen : CHARM Association 2013, s. 364-366
I: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Macromarketing Conference, Toronto, 2013. red. /Detlev Zwick; Sammy Bonsu. www : The Macromarketing Society 2013, s. 245-267 (Proceedings of the Annual Macromarketing Conference)
München : Munich Personal RePEc Archive 2013, 9 s. (MPRA Paper, Nr. 46650)
I: Cold War Cultures : Perspectives on Eastern and Western Societies . . red. /Annette Vowinckel; Marcus M. Payk; Thomas Lindenberger. New York : Berghahn Books 2012, s. 172-190
I: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Macromarketing Conference. Berlin, Germany June 13 – 16, 2012: Sustainable Development of Markets and Marketing Systems in a Globalized World. . red. /Michaela Haase; Michael Kleinaltenkamp. Berlin : The Macromarketing Society 2012, s. 219-221
I: Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 32, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 448-449
I: Engineering Society : The Role of the Human and Social Sciences in Modern Societies, 1880-1980 . . red. /Kerstin Brückweh; Dirk Schumann; Richard F. Wetzell ; Benjamin Ziemann . Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2012, s. 252-272
I: Transformations of Retailing in Europe after 1945 . red. /Ralph Jessen; Lydia Langer. Farnham : Ashgate 2012, s. 163-178
I: The Rise of Marketing and Market Research . red. /Hartmut Berghoff; Philip Scranton; Uwe Spiekermann . New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2012, s. 171-192
I: Organization, Vol. 19, Nr. 3, 2012, s. 281-297
I: Business Archives, Nr. 105, 11.2012, s. 1-9
I: Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 32, Nr. 4, 2012, s. 447-448
I: The Voice of the Citizen Consumer: A History of Market Research, Consumer Movements, and the Political Public Sphere. . red. /Kerstin Brückweh. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2011, s. 29-50
I: European Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 9, 2011, 2 s., s. 577-578
I: Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 31, Nr. 1, 3.2011, s. 105-108
I: Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 31, Nr. 1, 3.2011, s. 8-18
I: Theory, Culture & Society, Vol. 28, Nr. 3, 2011, s. 106-129
I: Statistics and the Public Sphere: Numbers and the People in Modern Britain, c. 1800-2000. . red. /Tom Crook; Glen O'Hara. New York : Routledge 2011, s. 144-162 (Routledge Studies in Modern British History, Nr. 6)
I: Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, Vol. 3, Nr. 4, 2011, s. 528-548
I: Ernest Dichter Motivation Research: New Perspectives in the Making of Post-War Consumer Culture. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 220-235
New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, 293 s.
I: Ernest Dichter and Motivation Research: New Perspectives on the Making of Post-War Consumer Culture. . red. /Stefan Schwarzkopf; Rainer Gries. London : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 3-38
I: Ernest Dichter Motivation Research: New Perspectives in the Making of Post-War Consumer Culture. New York : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 269-290
I: Trademarks, Brands and Competitiveness . red. /Teresa da Silva Lopes; Paul Duguid. London : Routledge 2010, s. 165-193 (Routledge International Studies in Business History)
I: Information, 28.12.2022, s. 16-17
I: Politiken, 23.8.2020, s. 7
I: Sydsvenskan, 28.7.2019
I: Politiken, 6.8.2018, s. 6
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School, CBS 2013
Frederiksberg : Samfundslitteratur 2010, 313 s.
Frederiksberg : Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy, CBS 2010
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Visiting Professor at Sigmund Freud University Vienna (Austria), Department of Psychology