Department of International Economics, Government and Business
I have spent my career studying the interaction of firms, politics, and technological change in East Asia. My research addresses:
- Political economy of development
- Technology policy/strategy
- Comparative capitalism
Before joining CBS, I held positions at City University of Hong Kong, Zhejiang University, King’s College London, Chinese University of Hong Kong and American University.
I received my PhD in political science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a MA in East Asian Studies from University of California at Berkeley.
- Political economy of China
- Political economy of Taiwan
- Global value chains and technological development
- Intersection of technology policy and corporate strategy
- China-US decoupling in high-tech
- Institutions and industrial specialization
Introduction to International Business in Asia (BSc)
I am available to supervise theses/dissertations at all levels (BSc, MSc and PhD) on the following subjects:
- Chinese OFDI
- Chinese entrepreneurship
- Chinese firms’ technology strategies
- China-West decoupling/trade tensions
- Institutions and technology strategy/specialization
- Technology policy
Butzbach, O., Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), Schnyder, G. & Svystunova, L. (2021). “State-owned Enterprises as Actors: A Hybrid Historical Institutionalist and Institutional Work Framework.” Management and Organization Review DOI: 10.1017/mor.2021.
Butzbach, O., Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), & Schnyder, G. (2020). “Manufacturing Discontent: National Institutions, Multinational Firm Strategies and Anti-Globalization Backlash in Advanced Economies.” Global Strategy Journal 10: 67-93.
Fuller, D.B. (2016/2019). Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China’s Technological Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), Akinwande, A. I., & Sodini, C. G. (2017). “The Globalization of R&D’s Implications for Technological Capabilities in MNC Home Countries: Semiconductor Design Offshoring to China and India.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120: 14-23.
Fuller, D. B. (2014). “Chip Design in China and India: Multinationals, Industry Structure and Development Outcomes in the Integrated Circuit Industry.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 81: 1-10.
Fuller, D. B. (2013). “Building Ladders out of Chains: China’s Hybrid-led Technological Development in Disaggregated Value Chains.” Journal of Development Studies 49(4): 547-563.
Fuller, D. B. (2010). “How Law, Politics and Transnational Networks Affect Technology Entrepreneurship: Explaining Divergent Venture Capital Investing Strategies in China.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27(3): 445-459.
København : Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, DIIS 2024, 4 s. (DIIS Policy Brief)
I: Chinese Politics: The Xi Jinping Difference. . red. /Daniel Lynch; Stanley Rosen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 105-124 (Asia’s Transformations)
I: Competition and Change, Vol. 28, Nr. 1, 1.2024, s. 144-164
København : Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder 2023, 4 s. (DIIS Policy Brief)
I: Amplify, Vol. 36, Nr. 6, 2023, s. 8-13
I: China Leadership Monitor, Nr. 78, 12.2023
I: East Asia Forum Quarterly, Vol. 14, Nr. 2, 23.6.2022, s. 13-15
I: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 18, Nr. 6, 2022, s. 1032-1076
I: Taiwan During the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen: Navigating in Stormy Waters. . red. /Gunter Schubert; Chun-yi Lee. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, s. 128-141 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, Vol. 5)
Tokyo : Nikkei Asia 2022
Paper presented at American Political Science Association, APSA Annual Meeting 2022, 2022
I: Global Strategy Journal, Vol. 10, Nr. 1, 2.2020, s. 67-93
I: The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Hubs and Economic Development. red. /Arkebe Oqubay; Justin Yifu Lin. Oxford : Oxford University Press 2020, s. 623-634 (Oxford Handbooks)
I: Policy, Regulation and Innovation: In China’s Electricity and Telecom Industries. . red. /Loren Brandt; Thomas G. Rawski. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2019, s. 262-303
I: Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol. 24, Nr. 3, 2018, s. 273-293
I: Asian Business and Management, Vol. 17, Nr. 2, 2018, s. 83-111
I: Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in Taiwan: Hopeful Beginning, Hopeless End?. . red. /André Beckershoff; Gunter Schubert. Abingdon : Routledge 2018, s. 208-223 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, Vol. 25)
I: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 120, 7.2017, s. 14-23
I: China's Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle-Income Trap. . red. /Arie Y. Lewin; Martin Kenney; Johann Peter Murmann. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press 2016, s. 121-151
Oxford : Oxford University Press 2016, 304 s.
I: Global Taiwan: Building Competitive Strengths in a New International Economy. . red. /Suzanne Berger; Richard K. Lester. New York : Routledge 2015, s. 76-96
I: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 11, Nr. 4, 12.2015, s. 711-713
I: Global Taiwan: Building Competitive Strengths in a New International Economy. . red. /Suzanne Berger; Richard K. Lester. New York : Routledge 2015, s. 137-165
I: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 81, Nr. 1, 1.2014, s. 1-10
I: Political Changes in Taiwan Under Ma Ying-Jeou: Partisan Conflict, Policy Choices, External Constraints and Security Challenges. . red. /Jean-Pierre Cabestan; Jacques deLisle. Abingdon : Routledge 2014, s. 85-99 (The Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, Vol. 12)
I: Journal of Development Studies, Vol. 49, Nr. 4, 2013, s. 547-563
I: Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller; Murray A. Rubinstein. Abingdon : Routledge 2013, s. 169-172 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
I: Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller; Murray A. Rubinstein. Abingdon : Routledge 2013, s. 71-98 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
I: Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller; Murray A. Rubinstein. London : Routledge 2013, s. 1-6 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
I: Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller; Murray A. Rubinstein. Abingdon : Routledge 2013, s. 47-70 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
Abingdon : Routledge 2013, 192 s. (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
I: Technology Transfer Between the US, China and Taiwan: Moving Knowledge. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller; Murray A. Rubinstein. Abingdon : Routledge 2013, s. 147-167 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series)
I: Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-faire: Hong Kong's Policy in Comparative Perspective. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 242-266
Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, 326 s.
I: Innovation Policy and the Limits of Laissez-faire: Hong Kong's Policy in Comparative Perspective. . red. /Douglas B. Fuller. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan 2010, s. 1-7
I: International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 51, Nr. 2-4, 2010, s. 239-257
I: Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 3, Nr. 1, 2009, s. 58-74
I: Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol. 27, Nr. 3, 2009, s. 445-459
I: Asian Politics and Policy, Vol. 1, Nr. 4, 2009, s. 726-738
I: Asian Survey, Vol. 48, Nr. 2, 4.2008, s. 239-264
I: Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, Vol. 18, Nr. 2-3, 4.2007, s. 203-224
I: Journal of Contemporary China, Vol. 14, Nr. 44, 8.2006, s. 483-506
I: Industry and Innovation, Vol. 10, Nr. 2, 6.2003, s. 179-196
London : The London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE 2025
Tokyo : Nikkei Asia 7.6.2024
Delhi : Hindustan Times 13.6.2023
I: Nikkei Asia, 4.10.2023
Biden's chip-related export controls leave some loopholes, says CBS professor
Analysts Expect U.S.-China Tech Conflict to Intensify
U.S.-China Tech War Likely to Escalate, Analysts Say
China 'legacy' chip fears best addressed with targeted measures
How Companies Dodge Tariffs
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Bagaimana Perusahaan Menghindari Tarif
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China to Step Up Quantum Computing, AI in Tech Self-sufficiency Drive
Exclusive: US targets China's top chipmaking plant after Huawei Mate 60 Pro
USA kæmper for at holde de små, uundværlige byggesten ude af kinesiske hænder
Huawei chipmaker turned US sanctions into a China win
How SMIC turned US sanctions into a China success story
How US sanctions turned China's chipmaker Huawei into a success story
How Huawei's Chipmaker Turned US Sanctions into a China Success Story
ทำความรู้จัก SMIC มันสมองของ Huawei ที่พลิกวิกฤตแบนส่งออกชิปของสหรัฐฯ ให้เป็นโอกาสของจีน
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Possibili strategie per frenare l'ascesa cinese nel mercato dei chip
US effort to ban chip exports to China still plagued by loopholes, workarounds
The State of Chinas Semiconductor Industry
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GOP lawmakers call for heavier sanctions against Chinas Huawei, SMIC
China's Propaganda Victory Over US Sanctions: Huawei's Mate 60 Pro
Chips in Chinese cellphones shock the world, US wants to investigate
Is Huawei's new phone proof China is gaining ground in the chip wars? Here's what the experts say
Huawei Phone Is Latest Shot Fired in the U.S.-China Tech War
Huawei's new chip breakthrough likely to trigger closer US scrutiny
China dodges western 5G chip embargo with new Huawei Mate 60 phone
Huawei's latest smartphone defies U.S. export restrictions
Războiul rece 2.0 ar putea fi câştigat de China. Gigantul Huawei plănuieşte o revenire în industria smartphone-urilor 5G în acest an
Huawei plănuieşte o revenire în industria smartphone-urilor 5G până la sfârşitul acestui an
Huawei plans a 5G smartphone comeback by the end of 2023
Huawei is planning a return of 5G smartphones by 2023
Le chinois Huawei se prépare à contourner l'interdiction américaine en rendant les téléphones 5G - cabinets d'études
Chiński Huawei przygotowuje się do pokonania amerykańskiego zakazu, zwracając telefony 5G - firmy badawcze
Huawei's 5G Phones Could Make a Comeback Despite US Sanctions
Le chinois Huawei est sur le point de surmonter l'interdiction américaine avec le retour des téléphones 5G - cabinets d'études
Araştırma Firmalarının İddiasına Göre Huawei, ABD Yaptırımlarına Rağmen 5G Telefon Pazarına Dönmeyi Planlıyor
China's Huawei poised to overcome US ban with return of 5G phones: research firms
Huawei da China pronta para superar a proibição dos EUA com o retorno de telefones 5G, empresas de pesquisa
Huawei could launch mobile phones with 5G at the end of this year
Huawei's 5G Resurgence: Defying the US Ban, Research Firms Predict a Triumphant Comeback
Huawei contorna barreira dos EUA e retorna aos smartphones no 5G
Huawei plănuiește revenirea în industria smartphone-urilor 5G, după ce inderdicția SUA i-a decimat afacerea
Smartphone 5G, Huawei punta a tornare nel mercato entro fine anno
Chiński Huawei przygotowuje się do pokonania amerykańskiego zakazu, gdy firmy badawcze wracają do telefonów 5G
Huawei Siap Atasi Larangan AS Dengan Kembalinya Ponsel 5G
La prise en charge de la 5G devrait revenir sur les smartphones Huawei
Research firms predict Huawei will overcome US ban with return of 5G phones
China's Huawei is set to overcome the US ban with the return of 5G phones
A road map to propel US-India chips push
China's semiconductor industry can't quit German optics
La escalada de tensión entre China y EEUU se salda con más inversión tecnológica en Asia
JW Insights sets up the IC 50 Committee with participants of leading Chinese and international professional
Huawei, hit by U.S. sanctions, reports profit slump
Huawei, Pummeled by U.S. Sanctions, Reports Plunge in Profit
Huawei, hit by US sanctions, reports a drop in profits
Huawei, frappé par les sanctions américaines, rapporte une chute des bénéfices
Wie China auf das Chip-Embargo der USA reagiert
Chip Beef
EDA software will become the next battle front in US-China chip war
US targets China's potential chip stars with new restrictions
Strategische Abkopplung
Hua Hong Gives China New Hope with Old Chip Technology
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Hua Hong dáva Číne novú nádej so starou čipovou technológiou
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US targets China's potential chip stars with new restrictions
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The Wages of Washington's Economic War on China Are Not Cheap
Čínska spoločnosť v centre vojny medzi USA a Čínou
U.S. chips punish China's tech industry
Semi-conducteurs: comment les États-Unis ont court-circuité les ambitions de la Chine
Chip wars: How US short-circuited China's semiconductor ambitions
Gli Stati Uniti provano ad affossare l'industria tecnologica cinese
Chinese IT industry is kneecapped by US chip sanctions
US Chip Sanctions Kneecap' China's Tech Industry
New US Chip Sanctions Kneecap' China's Tech Industry
US export limitations will have a significant negative impact on China's chip industry
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China's chip business set for deep ache from US export controls
China's chip industry set for deep pain from US export controls
Chinas chip industry set for deep pain from US export controls
เทคจีนจ่อสะดุด! วงในหวั่นการเติบโตอาจหยุดชะงักคล้ายกรณี Huawei หลังสหรัฐฯ จำกัดส่งออกเซมิคอนดักเตอร์ให้จีน
Huawei forbereder 5G-telefoner trods sanktioner
China's Big Fund corruption probe casts shadow throughout chip sector
Por dentro do software que se tornará a próxima frente de batalha na guerra de chips entre EUA e China
Guerra dei chip, il cyberconflitto tra Usa e Cina gira intorno al software Eda
U.S. controls on China chip tech will crack if tightened too far
US controls on China's chip technology will break down if tightened too much
The days when computer chips were designed by hand are long gone. Where chips contained thousands of transistors in the 1970s, they have more than.
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