
Department of International Economics, Government and Business


Kontor: POR/24.B-3.55
E-mail: dfu.egb@cbs.dk

I have spent my career studying the interaction of firms, politics, and technological change in East Asia.  My research addresses:

  • Political economy of development
  • Technology policy/strategy
  • Comparative capitalism

Before joining CBS, I held positions at City University of Hong Kong, Zhejiang University, King’s College London, Chinese University of Hong Kong and American University.

I received my PhD in political science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a MA in East Asian Studies from University of California at Berkeley.

Primære forskningsområder
  • Political economy of China
  • Political economy of Taiwan
  • Global value chains and technological development
  • Intersection of technology policy and corporate strategy
  • China-US decoupling in high-tech
  • Institutions and industrial specialization
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Introduction to International Business in Asia (BSc)


I am available to supervise theses/dissertations at all levels (BSc, MSc and PhD) on the following subjects:

  • Chinese OFDI
  • Chinese entrepreneurship
  • Chinese firms’ technology strategies
  • China-West decoupling/trade tensions
  • Institutions and technology strategy/specialization
  • Technology policy
Udvalgte publikationer

Butzbach, O., Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), Schnyder, G. & Svystunova, L. (2021). “State-owned Enterprises as Actors: A Hybrid Historical Institutionalist and Institutional Work Framework.” Management and Organization Review DOI: 10.1017/mor.2021.

Butzbach, O., Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), & Schnyder, G. (2020). “Manufacturing Discontent: National Institutions, Multinational Firm Strategies and Anti-Globalization Backlash in Advanced Economies.” Global Strategy Journal 10: 67-93.

Fuller, D.B. (2016/2019). Paper Tigers, Hidden Dragons: Firms and the Political Economy of China’s Technological Development. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Fuller, D. B. (corresponding author), Akinwande, A. I., & Sodini, C. G. (2017). “The Globalization of R&D’s Implications for Technological Capabilities in MNC Home Countries: Semiconductor Design Offshoring to China and India.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 120: 14-23.

Fuller, D. B. (2014). “Chip Design in China and India: Multinationals, Industry Structure and Development Outcomes in the Integrated Circuit Industry.” Technological Forecasting and Social Change 81: 1-10.

Fuller, D. B. (2013).  “Building Ladders out of Chains: China’s Hybrid-led Technological Development in Disaggregated Value Chains.” Journal of Development Studies 49(4): 547-563.

Fuller, D. B. (2010). “How Law, Politics and Transnational Networks Affect Technology Entrepreneurship: Explaining Divergent Venture Capital Investing Strategies in China.” Asia Pacific Journal of Management 27(3): 445-459.

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Douglas B. Fuller / From Broad Unilateralism to Narrow Multilateralism in Semiconductor Chip Controls
København : Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier, DIIS 2024, 4 s. (DIIS Policy Brief)
Rapport > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller; Richard L. Kotz / Technology Policy Under Xi Jinping, 2012–2022
I: Chinese Politics: The Xi Jinping Difference. . red. /Daniel Lynch; Stanley Rosen. Abingdon : Routledge 2024, s. 105-124 (Asia’s Transformations)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller; Paulina Ramirez / The Limits to Upgrading and Value Capture in R&D Global Value Chains : Indian and Chinese Contract R&D Firms in the Integrated Circuit Design and Pharmaceutical Global Value Chains.
I: Competition and Change, Vol. 28, Nr. 1, 1.2024, s. 144-164
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller / Export Controls Effectively Constrain China's Advance in Microchip Production
København : Dansk Center for Internationale Studier og Menneskerettigheder 2023, 4 s. (DIIS Policy Brief)
Rapport > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller / Navigating the Chip War
I: Amplify, Vol. 36, Nr. 6, 2023, s. 8-13
Douglas B. Fuller / Tech War or Phony War? : America’s Porous Controls on Semiconductor Fabrication Equipment and China’s Response.
I: China Leadership Monitor, Nr. 78, 12.2023
Douglas B. Fuller / Biden's United Front Targets China's Fight for Silicon Supremacy
I: East Asia Forum Quarterly, Vol. 14, Nr. 2, 23.6.2022, s. 13-15
Olivier Butzbach; Douglas B. Fuller; Gerhard Schnyder; Liudmyla Svystunova / State-Owned Enterprises as Institutional Actors : A Hybrid Historical Institutionalist and Institutional Work Framework.
I: Management and Organization Review, Vol. 18, Nr. 6, 2022, s. 1032-1076
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller / The Increasing Irrelevance of Industrial Policy in Taiwan, 2016-2020
I: Taiwan During the First Administration of Tsai Ing-wen: Navigating in Stormy Waters. . red. /Gunter Schubert; Chun-yi Lee. Abingdon : Routledge 2022, s. 128-141 (Routledge Research on Taiwan Series, Vol. 5)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Douglas B. Fuller / U.S. Controls on China Chip Tech will Crack if Tightened too Far
Tokyo : Nikkei Asia 2022
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