
Institut for Produktion og Erhvervsøkonomi


Kontor: SOL/B5.30

Dr. Christian Hendriksen serves as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Operations Management, Copenhagen Business School. His research portfolio is diverse, encompassing sustainable supply chain management, the political role of firms, and notably, the integration of Artificial Intelligence in organizations. This latter area explores the dynamics of AI implementation within companies and its transformative impact on business processes. Christian's work is distinctly interdisciplinary, blending insights from economics, political science, political economy, and supply chain management, with a special focus on the international shipping industry.

Christian teaches courses in managerial economics and organizational economics, along with qualitative methods. He also plays a key role in courses on non-market strategy advanced qualitative methods. His teaching philosophy focuses on bridging theoretical knowledge with practical insights, tailored to meet the evolving needs of students in the dynamic realities of contemporary society.

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Bachelor Projects or 2nd year projects related to corporate political influence, maritime regulation, or business power in global governance

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Christian Hendriksen / Artificial intelligence for Supply Chain Management : Disruptive Innovation or Innovative Disruption?.
I: Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 59, Nr. 3, 7.2023, s. 65-76
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Hendriksen; Tara Dastmalchian / Building a Decarbonized Supply Chain from the Ground Up : Early Evidence from the E-Methanol Shipping Fuel Supply Chain.
I: EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum 2023: Book of Abstracts. Brussels : EUROMA, European Operations Management Association 2023, 2 s., s. 15-16
Konferenceabstrakt i proceedings > peer review
Sofia Wiik; Christian Hendriksen; Kim Sundtoft Hald / Constructing Distance to Scope 3 Emission Targets : Procurement Managers’ Meaning Creation Processes.
Paper presented at 32nd Annual IPSERA Conference, 2023
Paper > peer review
Amanda Bille; Christian Hendriksen / Let Us Get Contextual : Critical Realist Case Studies in Supply Chain Management.
I: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 28, Nr. 4, 4.2023, s. 724-737
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Susana Borrás; Stine Haakonsson; René Taudal Poulsen; Trine Pallesen; Christian Hendriksen; Lucas Somavilla; Susanna Kugelberg; Henrik Larsen; Francesco Gerli / The Transformative Capacity of Public Sector Organizations in Sustainability Transitions : A Conceptualization.
Lund : Lund University 2023, 47 s. (Papers in Innovation Studies, Nr. 2023/02)
Working paper
Christian Hendriksen / Navigating Norms and Invisible Rules : Explaining the Case of Business influence in International Shipping Regulation.
I: Business and Politics, Vol. 24, Nr. 1, 3.2022, s. 79-95
Tidsskriftartikel > peer review
Christian Hendriksen / Corporate Influence and Environmental Regulation in Shipping : Navigating Norms and Influence Pathways in the International Maritime Organization.
I: MNCs in Global Politics: Pathways of Influence. . red. /John Mikler; Karsten Ronit. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing 2020, s. 77–96 (Elgar Politics and Business Series)
Bidrag til bog/antologi > peer review
Christian Hendriksen / Inside the Blue Box : Explaining Industry Influence in the International Maritime Organization.
Frederiksberg : Copenhagen Business School [Phd] 2020, 286 s. (PhD Series, Nr. 01.2020)
Carsten Ørts Hansen; Peter Grønsedt; Christian Lindstrøm Graversen; Christian Hendriksen / Arctic Shipping : Commercial Opportunities and Challenges.
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2016, 92 s.
Carsten Ørts Hansen; Peter Grønsedt; Christian Hendriksen; Christian Lindstrøm Graversen / Navigating ECA-Zones : Regulation and Decision-making.
Frederiksberg : CBS Maritime 2016, 95 s.

 Online master-class for the EU-Commission (2 hours)