Students in a worldwide programme

An education on three continents


An education on three continents

They started in Copenhagen and are soon heading to Hong Kong and will end their education in North Carolina. 15 students from Copenhagen Business School participate in the international GLOBE programme, which provides a group of selected students with the opportunity for an international Bachelor’s degree.

More than exchange

GLOBE is more than a traditional exchange programme. 45 students from three of the world’s best business schools get the opportunity to create teams and study together with people from the three other schools throughout the year.

- “GLOBE is something unique because it allows us the opportunity to achieve an understanding of business on an international level. It is also a chance to create a solid network across three continents. This would never have been possible without a common year together and I have no doubt about the fact that the bonds created via GLOBE will be valuable for my career in international trade” – says Julia Bobitt, daily coordinator at Kenan-Flagler Business School in North Carolina.

You have to travel to be “really” international

Nina Juul Andersen is one of the Danes who participated in the international programme.

- Since I am studying international business, which is an English language programme, I also feel that my education should be used abroad. Half of the students are foreign but we still follow the Danish rules and standards. In order to be a real international student and study international business, the real way, you have to travel, Nina Juul Andersen says.

Unreal experience

The students have all been selected from among the best in their class and during the selection emphasis was placed on their academic knowledge and understanding of international trade.

One of the CBS students selected is Joachim Hansen who, of course, was very happy when he was informed that he is one of the lucky ones who will be packing his suitcase.

- The entire experience was very overwhelming, and to be honest, the idea of travelling around the world seemed quite unreal. It still does, but it is also really exciting – says Joachim Hansen.


Global Learning Opportunities in Business Education (GLOBE) is an exchange agreement between Copenhagen Business School, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Kenan-Flagler Business School of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

The programme began in 2005.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/05/2007