First Executive Certificate Class Graduated

First Executive Certificate Class Graduated


26 participants in the CBS Executive Certificate Leadership & Business Essentials received their diploma on 1 April. The ceremony was hosted by Program Director, Per Junker Thiesgaard. Participants received their diplomas from Mogens Bjerre, Associate Dean.

Thiesgaard extended welcome to the graduating class, families, friends and colleagues of the graduates. This is the first Executive Certificate class and we are proud of their achievements. Thiesgaard remarked that the Certificate will become the primary building blocks of executive studies at CBS and these graduates are the ones who started this tradition.

Bjerre congratulated the participants on the completion of their tremendous achievements during the past months. He hope that as satisfied "customers", the participants will return after the summer break for the second EC module on Entrepreneurship in the Global Marketplace.

On behalf of the graduates, Sune Diernæs thanked the administration and faculty who have contributed to their learning experience in the Executive Certificate program. Furthermore, he thanked the families and friends for their support during the past seven months.

The Executive Certificate in Business Administration is designed as a "family friendly" program. Classes take place twice per month in Copenhagen. Participants can join the latter part of the Executive MBA following completion of the Executive Certificate in Leadership and Entreprenuership.

Graduates from the first Executive Certificate in Leadership & Business Essentials are:

Martin Berg (NCC Construction Denmark), Peter C. Brun (Trade Council of Denmark), Peter Brønd (Novozymes), Thomas Birck Christensen (IBM Denmark), Malcolm Clapson (SkySparc Financial Solutions), Aristide Debié (Aage Christensen), Sune Diernæs (Oticon/Phonic Ear Canada), Mohamed El Dababy (Novo Nordisk), Pernille Borgo Frederiksen (Int. Health Insurance), Thomas Gilberg (Nycomed Danmark), Soulaima Gourani (Hewlett Packard), Leif Gottschalk Jensen (Dako), Kim Kisbye (Mark Information), Kim Kjærulff (Atlas Copco), Lars Paredes (Capacent), Anette Bøje (TDC Mobil), Henrijette Richter (Vaekstfonden), Monika Gram Ritter (Radiometer), Peter Scharff (TDC Mobil), Helle Hummel Sund (Copenhagen Malmo Port), Steen Svanholmder (Human Development), Chris Tanca (Saatchi & Saatchi), Christina Lindved Turner (Dako), ?rn Valdimarsson (Eyrir Invest) and Jeppe Vangsted (LEGO System).

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 24/04/2006