Copenhagen Business School and the University of Lugano Launch Cooperative Venture

Collaboration brings international opportunities for Executive Master’s Participants


Copenhagen Business School’s Executive Master of Corporate Communication (MCC) and the University of Lugano’s Executive Master of Science in Communications Management (MScom) announced a cooperation agreement aimed at broadening the international scope of their programs.

Under the cooperation agreement, the schools are developing common content in their programs. In addition, participants from both programs will take part in common lectures in Copenhagen and Lugano, and will attend the two-week summer session at the UCLA Anderson School of Management in Los Angeles, California together.

“We are very excited to work with the University of Lugano. This is a very positive step for our MCC Program. To meet the demands of companies for communications professionals who operate strategically in an increasingly international context, we are expanding the global reach of our programs through this cooperation. In addition to the academic side, it also offers a wider networking opportunity for participants in both programs,” said Professor Suzanne C. Beckmann, Associate Dean of the MCC Program at Copenhagen Business School.

“After eight successful years, MScom is now positioned to broaden its international scope. The cooperation with MCC will provide greater international opportunities for both MScom and MCC participants,” said Nina Volles, MScom Managing Director. “It is a very good fit because participants in MScom and MCC have similar profiles: experienced communications managers who want to take their careers to the next level.”

In addition to this cooperation, CopenhagenBusinessSchool, the University of Lugano and the Rotterdam School of Management will launch the Association of Corporate Communications Executive Education (ACCE) this year. This is a new professional alliance aimed at setting a new standard for post-graduate education in corporate communications.

About the MCC Program at

The MCC was founded in January 2005 as an executive program for communications professionals seeking to expand their knowledge to include the latest theories and practices in communications management on a strategic level. Its parent institution, CBS in Copenhagen, Denmark, has 14,000 students and is one of the three largest business schools in Northern Europe. More information on the MCC Program can be found on

About the MScom Program at

MScom, is a 21-month, postgraduate program for communications professionals. The program was established in 1999 as one of the first of its kind, offering participants a broad, strategically-focused communications management education. An international faculty of more than 30 professors from renowned institutions around the world ensures the program’s academic excellence and its multinational orientation. For more information on the MScom Program, see

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 17/03/2006