CBS student in charge of 2000 European students

Stud.merc. Christian Bjøl chairman of the CEMS Student Board


For the first time a CBS student is chairman of the Student Board at the acknowledged graduate programme CEMS – a unique alliance of the leading business schools in Europe and 48 international companies. Thus, Christian Bjøl, stud.merc., will play a prominent role since he is representing 2000 students from17 different countries.

Great personal challenge

“Of course it is a great personal challenge which I look very much forward to. I am very proud that I am going to represent the 2000 best management students in Europe and hope that I will be able to continue the job with getting the students viewpoints considered and not least to carry out my own visions and plans. I also hope that Danish businesses will open their eyes towards the gold mine of opportunities that lies in the CEMS alliance”, says Christian Bjøl, who among others was up against a candidate from London School of Economics. He has a very good starting point for keeping track of the many different nationalities – he has been living in France for more than 10 years and is now studying at Universitá Bocconi in Milan.


’s third best graduate programme

CEMS Master in International Management (MIM) is CBS’ flagship in international management programmes, and in September Financial Times ranked it the third best graduate programme in the field of management. That was indeed the most important topic when Warsaw School of Economics recently hosted the largest CEMS Annual Events ever.

Among students at CBS, which is the only Danish university, who is a member of the fine CEMS-club, the fight for the exclusive places has been intensified. The number of applicants has increased with 40 % since last year. “The Financial Times ranking has for sure had great importance for CEMS. However, there is also an increasing awareness among the students of how unusual a network and education CEMS provides”, states Academic Director of CEMS at CBS, Sven Junghagen.

The Community of European Management Schools (CEMS) is an alliance of business and higher education. It currently comprises 17 of Europe’s finest academic institutions, 4 non-European Academic institutions and over 48 of the world’s leading multinational companies. London School of Economics, HEC in Paris and ESADE in Barcelona are some of the names of the schools involved, and the companies include large international names as Siemens, JP Morgan, L’Oréal, Nokia and Novo Nordisk from Denmark.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/12/2005