PPP summer newsletter launched

In this quarterly newsletter we aim to keep you up to date with our ongoing activities and to encourage you to get involved in our work.


In this quarterly newsletter we aim to keep you up to date with our ongoing activities and to encourage you to get involved in our work.
The summer is right in front of us and leave time for reflection on the months just passed. The platform recently came back from four intensive days at the Danish Political Festival, Folkemødet, where the agenda of public-private was discussed in several contexts and with great support.
Prominent researchers have been visiting the platform in the spring, and with among other things, a very successful conference on innovation in healthcare (OBHC) and a ground-breaking workshop on administrative ethnography, the Platform looks back at an overall  high-achieving semester.
After the summer break it is time for our yearly Collaboratory conference. Taking form as a Public-Private week, we will this year invite for in-depth debates on challenges of adopting a PPP law, managing PPP projects successfully and lastly PPP in relation to the green resource strategy.

Download it here.

We wish you all a very nice summer!

Sidst opdateret: Public-Private Platform // 17/12/2017