Ph.D. Cecilie Glerup Joins the CBS Public-Private Platform

Cecilie Glerup is PhD student at Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. Her research interests focus on the changing institutional demands in public science – not the least the political calls for enhanced ‘social responsibility’ in science.


Ph.D. Cecilie Glerup Joins the CBS Public-Private Platform

Cecilie Glerup is PhD student at Department of Organization, Copenhagen Business School. Her research interests focus on the changing institutional demands in public science – not the least the political calls for enhanced ‘social responsibility’ in science.

Cecilie has conducted a comparative ethnographic study of two research organisations working in the new, controversial field ‘Synthetic Biology’, one organisation in Denmark and one in the U.S. The study shows how the (at times conflicting) demands for sound, top-research, applicable results and democratic legitimacy make the scientists feel both frustrated and powerless in their daily work. Besides the purely academic studies, she has also been part of several science communication projects both at and outside CBS.

Cecilie Glerup holds a Master Degree in Welfare Studies and Public Administration from Roskilde University. Her current work is part of a bigger research project on ‘Social Responsibility in Science’ funded by The Danish Research Council for Social Sciences and managed by ass professor Maja Horst from Copenhagen University. Cecilie joins the PPP cluster 'Shifting forms of Public Governance'.


Sidst opdateret: Public-Private Platform // 17/12/2017