VELUX Chair in Corporate Sustainability Mid-term Review


As is common for departments and research centres at CBS, a Mid-term Review was conducted of the VELUX Chair in Corporate Sustainability.

A report was prepared by Jeremy Moon which provided an overview of activities, and it can be found here.

The review team of Jan Bebbington (then of St Andrews) and Dirk Gilbert (University of Hamburg) visited CBS for a one and a half day visit to meet the team and other Departmental, School and external colleagues in November 2017.  Their reports were duly submitted in the new year and accepted by CBS Academic Council in May 2018.

For more details about the reviewer reports, see Jan Bebbington's report and Dirk Gilbert's report.

Overall conclusions of the reviewers were very favourable.  Quotations include:
‘the objective (of strengthening, sharpening and broadening existing knowledge and programmes on
sustainability at CBS) has been met to the fullest’
‘Prof Moon … one of the most cited academics in business and management’
'His research activities .. ensure and even increase the international reputation of CBS as one of the leading institutions in Europe in CSR'
‘The team has proved innovative… teaching is interactive, collaborative and learner-centered’
‘The VELUX Chair had a significant positive impact on student engagement’
‘The outreach of the VELUX Chair has taken various forms and is very impressive’

Following the review, in March 2018 a presentation was made to VELUX Foundation Board representatives by the CBS President, Per Holten Andersen, the CBS Dean of Research, Søren Hvidkjær and the VELUX Chair, Jeremy Moon.

Organizational chart