Jeremy Moon in Børsen

On December 27, VELUX-professor Jeremy Moon was mentioned in two articles in the Danish newspaper Børsen regarding the new CSR regulations for Danish medium sized companies.


In the article, “Top manager on new CSR requirements: Expensive and totally without value” (Topchef om nye CSR-krav: Dyrt og helt uden værdi), Moon explains that Denmark has gone far in the interpretation of the EU directive: "It is remarkable that Denmark has gone the furthest of all because Denmark is usually perceived as a society based on a high degree of confidence”. He also thinks that the 1,400 companies that now need to explain their policies, actions on climate, environment, social conditions, employee relations, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery will find it quite diffcult to lift the task:"The first year will be tough. We will see a number of companies that do not comply with the law in full. We will also see a number of companies that probably try to meet the requirements, but which, in practice, set themselves writing off or imitating other companies instead of delving into their own responsibility.” 

Jeremy Moon is also quoted in the article “Companies are challenged by new and difficult demands: Consultancy houses can look forward to crowded days” (Virksomheder udfordres af nye og svære krav: Konsulenthuse kan se frem til kronede dage). In the article, Jeremy Moon says: "There will be a lot of consultants specializing in CSR who get crowned days. The big consulting houses and the many specialized CSR advisors have ten years of experience in this area, while companies often have much less experience”. 

Sidst opdateret: Centre for Sustainability // 08/10/2019