CBS Sustainability goes to Folkemødet

Faculty from CBS Sustainability will be represented at this year’s Folkemødet (“The People’s Meeting”) at various events.



This week, CBS Sustainability will be present at Folkemødet 2019, Denmark’s political festival on Bornholm. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are the main theme for this year’s Folkemøde, and the events throughout Folkemødet will focus on discussing the practical implications of the SDGs in everyday situations.

Since 2011, the city of Allinge on Bornholm has been the host of Folkemødet. Folkemødet is an open, free festival, where anyone who is interested can participate in debates and workshops that aim to strengthen the democratic dialogue in Denmark.

The events CBS Sustainability are formally contributing to can be seen in the programme below, and the programme can also be downloaded in a printable version on PDF icon this link. You can also follow the centre’s participation through our social media profiles on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Folkemødet programme

Sidst opdateret: Centre for Sustainability // 15/11/2021