CBS Competitiveness Day 2016

The CBS Competitiveness Day is a bazar of activities all related to competitiveness, open for companies and society at large. You can choose to attend one session or all of them, if you wish. CBS Competitiveness Day is a unique opportunity to get your knowledge updated on the latest CBS-research related to the competitiveness of Danish firms. CBS Competitiveness is free of charge, but registration is mandatory. Please sign up on the link below.

Mandag, 5 september, 2016 - 08:30 to 17:00

Time & Place

Time: 5 September 2016, 08:30-17:00
Place: Råvarebygningen (CBS), Porcelænshaven 22, DK-2000 Frederiksberg


THIS EVENT HAS BEEN HELD, PLEASE DO NOT REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT AS IT WILL NOT BE VALID - Please choose the session(s) you wish to attend by registering here.


Sessions - (Click on the title to see an in-depth description of the session.)

Coffee & Registration

Creating Business Value by Transforming Big Data Sets into Business Assets (Ravi Vatrapu, ITM - CBS)
This session is hosted by the newly formed Centre for Business Data Analytics (cbsBDA: at CBS. The centre aims to help especially Danish companies create business value from in-house and open big data sets and increase their competitiveness in the global marketplace.

Fra Big Data til Big Business (Thomas Ritter, SMG - CBS & Hans Eibe Sørensen, SMG - CBS) med følgende sessioner:

-09:00-10:30 - Forretningsudvikling: Det nye konkurrenceparameter
Mange drømmer om at udvikle deres forretninger – hvis ikke alle. Men hvad er forretningsudvikling? Og er din virksomhed god til det? I denne session introducerer vi en analyse af forretningsudvikling og diskuterer muligheder og barrierer for at flytte forretninger fra dagens status til morgendagens fremtid.

-11:00-12:00 - DataProfit: Hvordan tjener vi penge på data?
Big data, small data, open data, egne data – data er der mange af, og der bliver flere og flere. Men er din virksomhed klar til at tjene penge på data og til at udnytte data forretningsmæssigt? Datadreven forretningsudvikling er en af tidens hotteste discipliner, og udnyttelse af data for at styre virksomheders konkurrenceevne står højt på mange agendaer. I denne session ser vi på de nyeste perspektiver og aktiviteter, som den enkelte virksomhed skal være opmærksom på, for at mestre transformationen fra Big Data til Big Business. For at få det bedste udbytte fra denne session kan du med fordel anvende vores nye værktøj ”DataProfit” (, inden du kommer – så får du din helt egen analyse af din virksomheds datadreven forretningsudvikling. Sessionen er åben for alle - fra jer med tanken om at komme i gang med (big) data-drevne vækstmuligheder, til jer der skal have effektiviseret både forberedelse og implementering af big data-drevne vækstmuligheder.

Lunch (Stand-up buffet)

New Frontiers of Innovation (Francesco Di Lorenzo, SMG - CBS & Wolfgang Sofka, SMG - CBS & External Speakers from Jabra GN Netcom and Novo Nordisk)
A continuous flow of innovative products and services is key to the future competitiveness of Danish firms. This session explores new ways on how firms can organize this search for innovation more effectively and efficiently. The goal of the session is to present and discuss novel approaches that go beyond in-house R&D. For this purpose, we bring together insights from current CBS research with successful applications in practice. We will discuss issues ranging from Corporate Venture Capital to Markets for Ideas. This session is for everybody interested in fresh ideas for organizing innovation or learning about pitfalls before stepping into them. The session combines academic research with presentations from highly innovative firms such as Jabra and Novo Nordisk.

Human Capital Analytics Group: Closing the Skills Gap (Dana Minbaeva, SMG - CBS, & External Speakers from Novo Nordisk, Cowi and Copenhagen Capacity)
In 2016 the Human Capital Analytics Group published a report “Skills Gap in Denmark: Investigation of Børsen’s Top 1000”. The conclusion of the report was that the majority of Danish companies have experienced an acute skills gap. The implications of a persistent skills gap are significant for both society and the competitive advantage of Danish firms. The report also pointed out that rather than passively accepting the lack of skills and competences crucial for their performance, most companies actively take up the challenge and seek to mitigate the skills gap through a variety of measures. In this session, Novo Nordisk and Copenhagen Capacity will be presenting their approaches in mitigating the skills gap. Participants will also have a possibility to discuss the results of the report and get inspiration for possible solutions.

Using Eyetracking-Data to Track Consumer Behaviour (Jesper Clement, Department of Marketing (MARKTG) - CBS)
What makes customers pay attention to your product over your competitors? What attracts customer's attention in-store, what can sustain the attention, and what can ultimately get the customer to reach out for your product on the shelf? Researcher in consumer behavior Jesper Clement will give examples from his work with eye-tracking, both in supermarkets and in laboratory. You will gain insights into the field broadly called neuromarketing and you get the opportunity to visiting the laboratory Centre for Decision Neuroscience (CDN) at the Department of Marketing.

Open House at Department of Marketing: Eyetracking-Data (Jesper Clement, MARKTG - CBS)
Please note that this session is held at Solbjerg Plads 3, C2.08 (Wing C, Floor 2, Room 8)

CBS Servitization Project (Thomas Frandsen, OM - CBS, Sofie Østergaard Boa, OM – CBS)
This session will provide an overview of how service business models can provide opportunities for driving competitiveness of Danish industry. Thomas Frandsen will first provide a brief overview of how manufacturers can use servitization to strengthen competitiveness. While technology often play an important role as an enabler of servitized business models, a key challenge is to develop solutions that actually solve important customer problems. We will address this challenge in what we call concurrent innovation development for servitization, a process in which technology and business development go hand in hand. Sofie Østergaard Boa from CBS will provide an example from an ongoing collaboration between a Danish SME, the GTS Institute Delta and Copenhagen Business School, to co-create technological innovations and enable servitization. The session is based on the applied research project ‘Driving Competitiveness through Servitization’ which is supported by The Danish Industry Foundation. The project focuses on service strategies of manufacturers and is carried out in collaboration with a number of Danish companies.

Reception (Wine & Light Buffet)

Download the program for CBS Competitiveness Day 2016 (pdf)

Sidst opdateret: Competitiveness platform // 08/10/2019