Book a CBS researcher for a private lecture for free

Have a CBS researcher visit your company, school or home. 18 researchers have made themselves available in week 17 and you can book them now.


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Why do products cost what they cost? And how do the Japanese perceive the royal family, Hans Christian Andersen and the Vikings?

The 19 lectures that the CBS researchers offer in connection with the Danish Science Festival cover many different areas. Around 300 researchers from all parts of Denmark will be giving free lectures between 24 and 30 April when the festival takes place. You can already book the researchers now, and below you will find a presentation of the participating researchers from CBS.

Big Data: What can we learn from Facebook and Twitter?
Professor Ravi Vatrapu's lecture is about how social media data from Facebook, Twitter etc. can be collected and analysed to address interesting and important organisational and societal questions such as crisis detection, political deliberation, country reputation and more.
Book researcher (only in English).

It is the eye that looks but the brain that sees
The most important of our senses is said to be sight. See and hear how it works in Associate Professor Jesper Clement's lecture. There are two visual systems. Normally, we do not take notice of it, but you certainly will after this lecture.
Book researcher.

What goes on in the mind of the negotiator?
Many people wrongfully think that presenting convincing arguments is key to a successful negotiation. In fact, you negotiate by finding out how the other person perceives his or her needs, because you can actually do something about those kinds of perceptions. But it requires a special kind of communication, says Professor Emeritus Anne Marie Bülow.
Book researcher.

Why do products cost what they cost?
In this lecture, PhD Student Stefan K. Sløk-Madsen outlines what prices are, where they come from, and what they are used for. He employs amusing examples and exercises as well as philosophical and economic theory.
Book researcher.

I tweet, so I am?
We follow brands on Facebook, praise the hotel of our last vacation on Tripadvisor or tweet about our latest purchase experience gone wrong. But why do we do this? The presentation from Postdoc Antonia Erz deals with our lives as social media consumers, how we present ourselves on social media, and what that means for us as individuals and brands alike.
Book researcher (only in English).

Inclusion in work life—a question of norms
"We see diversity as a strength." This is what many organisations put in their job ads, typically followed by an invitation for everybody interested to apply for the position regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, handicap—and the list goes on. According to PhD Student Jannick Friis Christensen, the question is how an organisation can ensure a working environment that can accommodate a broad spectrum of employees—also after hiring.
Book researcher.

Managing diverse teams
Lecture by Postdoc Lotte Holck in which she outlines the benefits of taking team members' diverse qualifications into consideration when composing teams as well as which management tools should be applied to manage diverse teams. She draws on research in the field as well as field work with diverse teams in ISS Facility Services.
Book researcher.

How multinational companies deal with the local population
Who wants to live next to a hole that is 2 kilometres long and 700 metres deep? The simple answer is no one, not here and not abroad. External lecturer Jacob Taarup-Esbensen's lecture is about the strategies that multinational companies employ in Armenia in order to reduce the risk of the local population revolting against their mining projects.
Book researcher.

New trends in Japan
Denmark exports a lot of goods to Japan. But how do the Japanese perceive the royal family, Hans Christian Andersen and the Vikings? What are the similarities and differences between the Danes and the Japanese people? And what kind of impact do these differences have on the trade between the countries? Get the answer from Associate Professor Lisbeth Clausen.
Book researcher.

On the track of innovation
Innovation, co-creation, disruption, automation, and robotisation; these terms are all over newspapers and television. The future scenario is that 800,000 jobs are at risk because of the accelerating use of robots, digital self-service and artificial intelligence. But how is innovation created? What kind of transformation are we facing? And what are the consequences for the labour market? Get the answers from Associate Professor Lone Bak Strandgaard.
Book researcher.

Language understanding—an everyday miracle
Language understanding encompasses many complex processes but is usually automatic and flawless. Associate Professor Laura Winther Balling calls this an everyday miracle and she explains what the research tells us about how this is possible.
Book researcher.

Storytelling in organisations
Storytelling in organisations is a notion that encompasses both the stories that the organisation produces and the ones told by its members. This lecture aims at discussing life in organisations using a storytelling perspective, explains Associate Professor Anna Linda Musacchio Adorisio.
Book researcher (only in English).

The strange world of pricing
Price is what you pay, value is what you get. We usually only pay for something that we see value in, explains external PhD Fellow Martin Jarmatz. But this sounds more rational than we are as humans. Sometimes we are price-sensitive, sometimes we are not. Or, as a self-check for you, how much does your toothpaste cost? Is it worth the money?
Book researcher (only in English).

The T-shirt is the message
How is it that T-shirts have become an icon for globalisation, mass production and individualisation at the same time? Not only to those who produce them, but also to you, the consumer, as a co-creator, says Associate Professor Karl-Heinz Pogner.
Book researcher.

Big Data—a unique case from the Roskilde Festival
Everybody talks about Big Data. In the project "Rio til Roskilde", the audience will gain insights from External Lecturer Per Østergaard Jacobsen about the data volume that is created by the 130,000 festival visitors. This makes it possible to improve everything from security to toilet conditions and to reduce food waste and optimise sales and services.
Book researcher.

Data-driven business development
In this workshop, Research Assistant Hans Eibe Sørensen looks into how you ensure a solid basis for decisions for data-driven growth and the subsequent implementation in your organisation and on the market, and how you reduce the gap between planning and implementation.
Book researcher.

Why German(s) and Danish (people) perhaps are different
Have you ever felt that Germans might be a bit more "rigid" than Danes? Have you ever felt that learning German was hard? Have you ever seen a Danish weather forecast and thought: What did they actually say? Or a German one and nearly died from boredom? Then this lecture is right up your alley. Associate Professor Mette Skovgaard Andersen will provide insights into possible explanations.
Book researcher.

Spain and Catalunya: What is the problem?
The 'Catalan problem' is one of the biggest issues in Spanish politics these days, and it is an issue that the next Spanish government will have to find a solution to. Gain insights into the conflict, its causes, and future scenarios in this lecture by Associate Professor Carsten Humlebæk.
Book researcher (lecture via Skype).

The crisis in Spain: Why was it worse in Spain?
After 15 years with some of the highest growth rates in Europe, Spain was hit by the crisis like the rest of EU in 2008. In Spain, however, the crisis has been worse than in most other European countries—apart from Greece. But why did it go so wrong in Spain, and how do the prospects look? Get the answer from Associate Professor Carsten Humlebæk.
Book researcher (lecture via Skype).

Learn about the few requirements for booking the researchers.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020