CBS joins a new UN equal rights initiative

More women in the C-suite. This is the ambition of a new initiative from UN Women and Boston Consulting Group, which CBS President Per Holten-Andersen recently has become part of.


Gender roundtable

There are still way too few female CEOs in Danish companies. Dead end career paths, ignored ambitions of leadership and lack of real flexibility to balance career and family are some of the barriers experienced by women today. The consequence? Companies fail to take advantage of a diverse management.

This indignation has induced the consulting company Boston Consulting Group (BCG) and the UN organisation UN Women Nordic Liaison Office to initiate a so-called Gender Diversity Roundtable. This new initiative gathers 15 CEOs from the corporate sector, educational institutions and civil society organisations - including CBS' president.

"We know the diagnosis, but it is time to find a cure. At UN Women we hope that participants in the new Gender Diversity Roundtable will seek inspiration from each other and together identify specific initiatives to pave the way for far more female CEOs in Denmark in the future", says Asger Ryhl, Nordic Director at UN Women.

In addition to his new membership, President Per Holten-Andersen is also chairman in an internal advisory council at CBS, the Council for Diversity and Inclusion, and he has also taken part in a ministerial task force for more women in research. Per Holten-Andersen finds it important to bring all talents to the table - regardless of gender:

”CBS cannot solve this challenge alone. It is a sectoral issue. It must be addressed through measures from companies, organisations and educational institutions with a common interest in striving for all talents", says Per Holten-Andersen.

Read more about CBS’ Council for Diversity and Inclusion

The members of Gender Diversity Roundtable Denmark will jointly focus their efforts within their respective sectors to promote a greater diversity in management teams. According to the press release, they have to function as a think tank and a centre for knowledge sharing and be pioneers for new and concrete tools.

Read the press release from the UN and BCG (in Danish).

Visit the homepage of the Gender Diversity Roundtable.

The first meeting will take place in the UN City in Copenhagen on 21 June 2017.

The members of the Gender Diversity Roundtable Denmark are:


  • Mai-Britt Poulsen, CEO, The Boston Consulting Group Denmark
  • Asger Ryhl, Nordic Director, UN Women


  • Jais Valeur, CEO, Danish Crown
  • Thomas Thune Andersen, Chairman, Dong Energy
  • Malou Aamund, CEO, Google DK
  • Pernille Erenbjerg, CEO, TDC
  • Peder Holk Nielsen, CEO, Novozymes

Educational institutions:

  • Per Holten-Andersen, President, CBS    
  • Henrik C. Wegener, Rector, University of Copenhagen
  • Hanne Leth Andersen, Rector, Roskilde University
  • Anders Bjarklev, Rector, Technical University of Denmark
  • Anya Eskildsen, CEO, Niels Brock


  • Morten M. Hansen, CEO, Sports Confederation of Denmark
  • Charlotte Rønhof, Deputy Director, Danish Industry
  • Kasper Sand Kjær, Chair, Danish Youth Council
  • Lars Werge Andersen, Chair, the Danish Union of Journalists
  • Henriette Laursen, CEO, The Danish Center for Research on Women and Gender

Read more about Gender Diversity Roundtable in Berlingske Tidende (in Danish)

For further information contact:

The Boston Consulting Group
Matias Pollmann-Larsen, tel.: +45 +45 2275 3468, mail:

Journalist at Copenhagen Business School:
Matilde Hørmand-Pallesen

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020