DBP researchers contribute to symposium in Environmental Politics

The transnational hybrid governance of sustainable biofuels


The transnational hybrid governance of sustainable biofuels

In this symposium edited by Stefano Ponte (CBS) and Carsten Daugbjerg (Australian National University), a series of articles take issue with the complex making and mutual shaping of biofuel sustainability. The issue discusses the institutional features, processes and networks by which markets for sustainable biofuels are organized, and economic and political orders take shape. Ponte and Daugbjerg contributes with an introduction that not only provides a frame for the symposium but also discusses the complex coexistence of transnational governance of sustainable biofuel and the WTO trade regime. Lasse Folke Henriksen (CBS) contributes with an article on the structure of the global network of sustainability standard-setters and how this structure shapes the content and scope of sustainability regulation. Brice Laurent (Mines ParisTech) looks at sustainability schemes as an important vehicle in the construction of a European market for biofuels.

Link to Symposium: http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fenp20/current#.VNMvop3F8Xj

Sidst opdateret: Department of Business and Politics // 08/10/2019