Trading with China – For Real

By Heidi Larsen

Mandag, 23 marts, 2015 - 16:00 to 17:30

You want to have your own products manufactured in China and import the products to Denmark. It is quite simple, isn’t it? But how and where in China to find a competent Chinese producer? How to negotiate the price, product specification, packaging, quality control, payments and delivery time? And how to ensure that the Chinese producer will honour the terms of business that you seem to have agreed to? How to negotiate and sign a contract - that is workable in the day-to-day business? And what about protecting your IPR? How to develop, strengthen and ensuring the business cooperation, and how to deliver feedback without damaging the relationship?

Heidi Larsen will tell you all and more in this “hands-on” lecture which brings you deep into everything about commodity production in China. You will take with you valauble tips and usefull insights on how to avoid the most common pitfalls and how to further develop - and succeed - with your productions in China.

About the speaker:
Heidi Larsen is Owner and CEO of plus:7 ApS, a company focused upon production in China. Plus 7 simply means “plus seven hours” – the time difference between Denmark and China. Heidi Larsen has a long experience from sourcing, outsourcing, quality control, supplier management and CSR in relation to China and Asia. Heidi Larsen has worked with different commodities ranging from glass through porcelain to wood and steel - and everything in between.

Participation is free of charge. Please sign up before March 22nd through this link: Sign up

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