Share your CBS story

In 2017 CBS celebrates its centenary! On this occasion we encourage all students, staff, alumni and other friends of CBS to share their CBS story. Tell us about the influence CBS has or has had on your education, career - perhaps even your life.


Read Dean Jan Molin's story in which he ascertains that we are all bearers of CBS' history. And be inspired by the four CBS storytellers who have already shared theirs. 

All the CBS stories will be posted on our special centenary website, which will launch in the autumn of 2016.

Share your story

Send us your CBS story at - write ’My CBS story’ in the subject. Text, pictures, video or sound - you choose the format.

Submitted stories may be published by CBS in connection with CBS' centenary and used for commercial purposes by CBS. CBS reserves the right to edit submitted material.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/05/2016