Competition Law in a Global Perspective – Challenges and Trends

School of Economics and Management, Lund University and Law Department, Copenhagen Business School have the pleasure of inviting you to the conference on Competition Law in a Global Perspective – Challenges and Trends

Torsdag, 26 februar, 2009 - 10:00 to Fredag, 27 februar, 2009 - 17:00

Conference - Competition Law in a Global Perspective – Challenges and Trends

The School of Economics and Management at Lund University and Copenhagen Business School (CBS) are jointly organising the conference on Global Competition Law. This event will bring together academics, practitioners, members of the judiciary and competition enforcement bodies with a view of exchanging ideas on recent developments and trends in competition law from a global perspective.

The competition law developed significantly over the past years as the regulation of unfair restrictive arrangements on the world markets came into focus and the participation of the developing countries in the world economy intensified. The aim of the conference is to explore the connections between Europe and other developed countries on one side, and the developing world on the other - in matters of competition law. In addition, specific topics such as the relationship between IP rights and competition law, governmental protection and the role of the WTO will be explored. The speakers will include experienced practicing lawyers, academics and representatives of competition authorities.

The conference will have six thematic groups:

· Abuse of Dominance

· International Cartels and Other Restrictive Agreements

· International Mergers and Concentrations

· Jurisdiction and Enforcement

· IP Rights and World Competition

· Competition and Development

All contributions will be published in conference proceedings.

We would like to acknowledge the generosity of our sponsors:

Awapatent AB, Sweden

Department og Business Law, School of Economics and Management, Lund University

Kungl. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet, Lund

Law Department, Copenhagen Business School

Swedish Competition Autority

The Organising Committee:

Boel Flodgren, School of Economics and Management


Catrin Karlsson, School of Economics and Management


Andrej Savin, Copenhagen Business School


Jens Fejø, Copenhagen Business School


Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 06/02/2009