PhD defence: Marie Henriette Madsen

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Marie Henriette Madsen has submitted her thesis entitled: Emerging and temporary connections in quality work

Torsdag, 3 december, 2015 - 13:00 to 15:00

Associate Professor Morten Knudsen
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary supervisor:
Associate Professor Lise Justesen
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee:
Associate Professor Anne Reff Pedersen (chair)
Department of Organization
Copenhagen Business School

Professor Klaus Lindgaard Høyer
Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab
Copenhagen University

Professor Davina Allen
School of Healthcare Sciences
Cardiff University

The thesis is available here

The Doctoral School of Organisation and Mangement Studies will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence at the Department of Organization, Kilevej 14 A, 4th floor, 2000 Frederiksberg.

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 31/07/2018