When Health Policy Meets Every Day Practices

Onsdag, 23 april, 2014 - 00:00 to Fredag, 25 april, 2014 - 00:00

When Health Policy Meets Every Day Practices
9th International Organisational Behaviour in Healthcare Conference

23-25 April 2014

The theme of the 2014 SHOC, 9th International OBHC conference will be on “When health policy meets every day practices” and the conference will be hosted at Copenhagen Business School by CBS Public-Private Platform. We expect about 120 participants coming from Continental Europe, Nordic and Baltic countries, the UK and Ireland, North America and Australia/New Zealand.

The overall theme is dealing with the challenges and dilemmas arising from the efforts to implement health care policies within day-to-day organisational practices. This theme can be unfolded into several subthemes:

1. Analysing the design of decision making and implementation processes, including politicians, public administrators, experts, private organisations, volunteers and citizens
2. Exploration of different forms of resistance, drivers or interpretations within local organisations, when implementing externally derived standards, performance targets, quality measurements, innovation or evidence based medicine
3. The role of leadership in implementing health policies through contextualization, design and process facilitation, employee motivation, or creating legitimation and public value.
4. Investigation of the way local translations, narratives, logics and discourses alter or sustain embedded routines and organisational change
5. The role and performativity of technology in implementation processes

Two distinguished Scandinavian speakers will address the conference theme from different theoretical and empirical key positions. The conference will be based on full, peer-reviewed academic papers. Each paper should not exceed 8,000 words including references and will be sent out for peer review. As in previous years, the Conference Scientific Committee (Susanne Boch Waldorff, Anne Reff Pedersen, Aoife McDermott, Louise Fitzgerald and Ewan Ferlie) will seek to publish selected papers from the conference in an edited book and hopefully an academic journal, should there be enough high quality papers. A CD of all the submitted papers with an ISBN number will also be produced.

Important dates

Deadline for conference registration and payment: 10 March 2014

Conference fee: DKK2760 (approx. €370)

For further information, please visit the Conference Website.




Sidst opdateret: Public-Private Platform // 17/12/2017