Successful third round of applications to the Public-Private Platform

The CBS Public-Private Platform granted funds to the sum of 320,000 DKK in its third application round.


CBS researcher can apply the CBS Public‐Private Platform for funding to projects, seminars, research assistance etc, that lives up to the following three requirements:  

1.     The projects should be within the field of Public-Private relations

2.     The projects should be cross-disciplinary

3.     The projects should be cross-school 


By the 14th of June we had received 7 applications and are thrilled to have funded projects for over the sum of 320,000 DKK in the third round of applications. For example a project on Big Data under the cluster Internet, Business and Society was granted seed money for the development of a larger research application. 


The next deadline for applications are the 4th of September.




Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 26/02/2013