Industrial PhD

Institut for Organisation

  • People and Organizing (PnO)
Særós Mist
Industrial PhD


The purpose of my Ph.D. research is to explore new avenues towards diversity and inclusion in the industry with Kemp & Lauritzen as the case, focusing on fostering employee well-being and feeling of inclusion through inclusive leadership in practice.

I aim to contribute to the understanding of how to break with bias and discrimination through intervention based organizational- and management development, as well as to develop methods to effectively foster and measure inclusion of diverse talent.

In the project I thus seek to answer; how inclusive behaviours and attitudes can be fostered through organizational interventions? How can organizational interventions be designed to counteract biases and workplace discrimination? As well as; how can the effect of such interventions on workplace diversity and inclusion be measured?

Primære forskningsområder
  • Organizational Psychology and Transformation
  • Inclusive Leadership in Practice
  • Diversity & Inclusion
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Udvalgte publikationer

How does it make you feel?.
S. M. Hrannarsdóttir, L. W. Berntsen, S. L. Muhr and L. Holck 2022.
7’th CBS Workshop on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Transformation, Imagination, and Utopia

The ‘ideal emotional worker’? Emotional Normativity.
A. M. Gravholt, S. M. Hrannarsdóttir, L. Holck and S. L. Muhr 2022.
7’th CBS Workshop on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion: Transformation, Imagination, and Utopia

Networking; How does it feel?
S. M. Hrannarsdóttir 2023.
Networking; How Does it Make You Feel? Exploring the Role of Emotion in the Relationship between Networking and Inclusion — CBS Forskningsportal