
Institut for Organisation

Elias Gilling

Kontor: KIL/14.A-4.44
+45 2327 8804

Elias is a PhD fellow in Leadership at the Department of Organization. His main interest is in the alternative approaches to thinking about and practicing leadership in alternative organizations. Seeing leadership as a social accomplishment, rather than as individualized traits and behaviors, Elias studies worker-owned and led cooperatives with emphasis on how they produce alternative organizational strategies and practices that perform the function of leadership. His research areas include: leadership, cooperatives, democratic organizing and involvement, alternative organizations, critical performativity, and critical approaches to the study of working lives.

He is a member of the WeTo research group at IOA, and is also part of FiDE, an independent network for research in democratic ownership.

Elias is a psychologist, and has a background working with entrepreneurship in the cooperative sector, as well as experience with deliberative citizen engagement as a consultant and facilitator for the design and implementation of the EU-wide participatory democracy project "Conference on the Future of Europe"

Primære forskningsområder
  • Leadership
  • Alternative organizations
  • Cooperative organizing
Link til denne hjemmeside

BSc in Business administration and Psychology, Organizational Theory (BPSYO1203U, E22)

BSc in Business administration and Psychology, Work and Leadership Psychology, Feedback workshops (BPSYO1531U, E22)

Publikationer sorteret efter:
Elias Gilling Borgmann / Aktuelle ledelsestrends
I: Dit første lederjob: Råd og inspiration fra erfarne ledere. . red. /Lilian Mogensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2023, s. 24-35
Bidrag til bog/antologi
Elias Gilling Borgmann / Nye horisonter for ledelse
I: Dit første lederjob: Råd og inspiration fra erfarne ledere. . red. /Lilian Mogensen. København : Djøf Forlag 2023, s. 264-275
Bidrag til bog/antologi

Contracted by Fonden Teknologirådet on behalf of the European Commission
Consultant and facilitator for the EU citizen panel on Food Waste
February 9-12 (44,33 hours total)

Fonden Teknologirådet
Consultant for the Conference on the future of Europe
April 7-9 (42 hours)