Von glücklichen Dänen lernen? - new book from Birgit Stöber

Birgit Stöber, Asociated professor at ICM has published a new book about learning from happy Danes, welfare state and civil society in demographic change


Von glücklichen Dänen lernen?

Learning from happy Danes?
Welfare state and civil society in demographic change

Birgit StöberIn Germany, there is a general widespread goodwill and positive attitude towards the Nordic countries and their welfare societies. Sometimes, this positive attitude develops into a rather unreflected, romantised picture of “the Nordic model” - often grounded in stereotypes and positive prejudices. The publication gives an actualised insight into the functioning of the Danish welfare society, its recent challenges and changes related to demographic changes. A particular focus lies on the role of civil society and civil engagement - with emphasis on rural areas. Furthermore, the book scrutinzes the image of the "happy Danes" and offers arguments for a differentiated discussion whether and what we can learn from each other.

Read more about the book at www.herbert-quandt-stiftung.

You can get a free copy by writing an e-mail to Birgit (bst.ikl@cbs.dk)


The page was last edited by: Department of Management, Society and Communication // 10/20/2021