
  • 08.03.2023

    Female entrepreneurs face discrimination from their own employees

    Once female entrepreneurs have survived the extra scrutiny from banks and investors caused by gender bias, they may have to cope with discrimination from their own employees. According to new CBS research, start-up employees are less willing to deliver an extra effort to a female founder.
  • 07.03.2023

    Female researchers take up less space in the media

    It must be easy for the media to find the right expert – also the female experts. For this reason, Copenhagen Business School has prepared a list of female experts whose knowledge is available to the media
  • 07.03.2023

    Female experts at CBS

    Male researchers are more cited in Danish media than female researchers. It does not have to be this way. It must be easy for the media to find the right expert – also female experts. For this reason, CBS has prepared list of examples of female researchers from CBS whose knowledge is available to the media. The list is continuously updated.
  • 20.02.2023

    Danish Elite Research Initiative honours CBS researchers

    Two researchers from CBS receive an Elite Research prize from the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Professor Poul Fritz Kjær, whose focus is on how legal and economic processes impact each other, is awarded the prize for being an outstanding researcher, while PhD Student Charlotte Cator, who studies sustainable cities, receives a travel scholarship.
  • 13.02.2023

    Rethink your leadership success criteria in times of crisis

    Crises and times of crisis have a special anatomy, which leaders need to be better prepared to understand. It is about thinking leadership, organisation, new ways of collaborating - and not least changing the success criteria.
