PhD defence: Aleksandra Rzeznik

In order to obtain the PhD degree, Aleksandra Rzeznik submitted her thesis entitled: Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing

Fredag, 13 januar, 2017 - 14:15 to 16:15

My thesis consists of three essays investigating financial and real estate markets and identifying a relationship between them. A 2008 financial crises provides a perfect example of sizeable interactions between US housing market and equity prices, where a negative shock to house prices triggered a word-wide recession. Therefore, understanding forces driving investors behaviour and preferences, which in turn aff ect asset prices in both equity and housing market are of great interest.
Primary Supervisor:

Professor Søren Hvidkjær
Department of Finance
Copenhagen Business School
Secondary Supervisor:
Professor Jesper Rangvid
Department of Finance
Copenhagen Business School
Assessment Committee:
Professor Ken L. Bechmann (Chair)
Department of Finance
Copenhagen Business School
Professor Charlotte Christiansen
Department of Economics and Business Economics
Aarhus University
Professor Marcin T. Kacperczyk
Imperial College London
The thesis is available here
The Doctoral School of Economics and Management will host a reception, which will take place immediately after the defence in FUHU Faculty Club (3rd floor above the canteen).

Sidst opdateret: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 02/09/2020