CBS in December

Chinese football, Falck’s competitiveness, and a top German economist on the so-called Euro crisis are all on the agenda in December. Is the Falck Group equipped to tackle the development of new technologies? Can European football learn anything from China? And how will the EU’s economy be affected by national debt, banking and monetary policies? All this and much more is on at CBS in December.

CBS in December

How has Falck handled the development of new technologies and competitors?
CIO talks with Torben Ruberg2
Is China the next big football power?
Chinese football
Discussion on the so-called Euro crisis
Euro crisis
How has human science evolved?
Human science

CIO talks with Torben Ruberg
Falck represents 22,000 employees in 45 countries and is today the world’s largest ambulance company. The Falck Group CIO, Torben Ruberg, will talk about how Falck has handled the development of new technologies, and therefore new competitors, and also how this development has made new business models possible for the Falck Group.

Time and place:
8 December 08:00 – 09:45
5.23, Howitzvej 60, 2000 Frederiksberg
Enter via reception on the 4th floor

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Is China the next big football power?
Chinese football is undergoing a huge development, with more investors, more publicity, and top foreign players moving to the other side of the world to play in the Chinese Super League (CSL).  The Chinese sports industry has developed many top athletes – can the Western world learn from the Chinese methods? Mads Davidsen, an expert in Chinese football and the trainer for the Chinese football club, Shanghai SIGP, will be leading the lecture.

Time and place:
16 December 15:00 – 16:00
Ks43, Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg

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Top German economist on the Euro crisis
For this seminar, the renowned German economist, Martin Hellwig, from the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, will discuss the interaction between banking, national debt and monetary policy, and how it affects the so-called Euro crisis. The seminar is based on two of Martin Hellwig’s theses: "Financial Stability, Monetary Policy, Banking Supervision, and Central Banking" and "Yes Virginia, There is a European Banking Union! But It May Not Make Your Wishes Come True".

Time and place:
1 December 16:00 – 17:30
4.17, Råvarebygningen, Porcelænshaven 22, 2000 Frederiksberg

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Human science is changing
How we understand and interpret humans is constantly changing. This conference discusses how human science has evolved and how it has been challenged. Experts will participate in a discussion within this field and give their opinions on the concepts and approaches that can set a new agenda for human sciences.

Time and place:
4 December 09:30 – 16:00
SPs.07, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

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PhD defence at CBS in December
In December, you can experience several people defending their PhD theses on everything from how we can use new technology to measure intimate details about ourselves to Fair Trade’s limited effect in the Argentinian wine industry. Here is an overview:

Marie Henriette Madsen
Emerging and temporary connections in quality work
3 December

Mimmi Sjöklint
The Measurable Me - The Influence of Self-tracking on the User Experience
9 December

Juan Ignacio
Towards a Fair Global Economic Regime? A critical assessment of Fair Trade through the examination of the Argentinean wine industry
14 December  

Yangfeng Cao
Toward a Process Framework of Business Model Innovation in the Global Context - Entrepreneurship-Enabled Dynamic Capability of Medium-Sized Multinational Enterprises
15 December

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017