The world’s best PhDs in finance

On 30 May, CBS will host an awards ceremony for the six most promising PhD theses in finance, which will also be presented at the event. Take advantage of this opportunity to hear the best of the best.


AGR 2016

CBS will soon host the ceremony “AQR Top Finance Graduate Award at CBS”, providing the opportunity to experience some of the world’s most promising talents with a PhD in finance when they present their research at the event. CBS Professor Lasse Heje Pedersen, who chairs the award’s selection committee, describes it as the World Cup for PhD theses in finance.

“In contrast to the World Cup, however, we choose more than one winner. The committee comprises the foremost researchers in the field from top universities abroad. We jointly identify six PhDs who we believe to be the most promising globally,” explains Heje Pedersen about the event taking place on 30 May.

The prize, awarded three times previously, will be given again this year at CBS, where the six winners will present their research.

This year's winners:

“We would like to recognise the best graduate students in the world while also having the opportunity to meet them here at CBS so they can get to know each other and develop a network and collaboration with CBS researchers. What’s more, we would like to provide our students with inspiration. They get a feel for what the best is and what aiming high means,” says Heje Pedersen.

The winners are chosen based on who the selection committee believes will have the greatest impact on financial practice and academia in the future. According to Heje Pedersen, the influence of the prize winners will be highly visible:

“Finance research is widely used and can have a really big effect on which securities are traded, on how pension funds put together their portfolios, on how banks operate, and on how financial supervisory authorities regulate.”

The global investment firm AQR awards the prize with the Center for Financial Frictions (FRIC) and the CBS Department of Finance. AQR also sponsors the USD 10,000 prize given to the winners.
Read more about the event and register by 13:00 Monday 23 May at the latest

Read more about the individual winners and their research

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017