Digital technologies lift people out of poverty

Digital technologies push low-income countries forward, helping to lift millions out of poverty. This is the message of global serial entrepreneur Iqbal Quadir, who will visit CBS as a part of the Kapuscinski Development Lectures.


Photo: Shutterstock

Iqbal Quadir advanced the idea of introducing mobile phones throughout Bangladesh in the early 1990s. This was a radical change as rural areas lacked modern infrastructure. His vision was launched through Grameenphone, which he founded.

Based on digital technologies Quadir has organised and built successful commercial ventures, economically lifting up millions in low-income countries. His lecture, drawing on first-hand experience, will contain interesting insights about these ventures.

Since 2005 Iqbal Quadir has worked at MIT, where he founded the Legatum Center, which focuses on development and entrepreneurship. At the centre he has trained MIT entrepreneur students to pursue their own ventures in low-income countries.

If you would like to attend the lecture, which is open to the public, please register by sending a mail to: The lecture will take place on Monday 23 November 2015 and is organised by the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management as part of the Kapuscinksi Development Lectures, named after Ryszard Kapuscinski, a Polish reporter and writer who covered developing countries.

The lecture will take place at Kilevej 14 A/B, 2000 Frederiksberg, room number Ks.43 from 10.45-12.30. After the lecture Iqbal Quadir will be available for interviews and interaction with students and staff.

Learn more about Iqbal Quadir and the Kapuscinski Development Lecture.

For more information please contact Associate Professor Michael Wendelboe Hansen, Director of the Centre for Business and Development Studies at: or on tel.: +45 3815 3146.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017