CBS Summer party

Come celebrate CBS’ centenary on Saturday, 10 June at the green area between Solbjerg Plads and Kilen, where CBS will be hosting an open summer party.

Saturday, June 10, 2017 - 11:30 to 15:30

On Saturday 10 June during FRBDAGE, CBS will be hosting a summer party on Grønningen (the green area between Solbjerg Plads and Kilen) and you are invited!

The stage show features a wide range of entertainment, including Outlandish, Science Slam with standup comedian Lasse Rimmer as moderator, Opera Frederiksberg, and Miguel el Zorro who performs a magical show for the kids.  

On site, several student organizations and departments from CBS present themselves in stalls plus a guided tour on CBS, and for the younger ones we will provide amusement, including funny balloon figures and face painting from the people at Frederiksberg Teater. During the day you can also participate in an Instagram-competition winning gift certificates for Academic Books.

Furthermore, Rebel Food will be serving exiting and sustainable streetfood and Cafe Nexus makes sure the beverages are served ice cold (NB: STUDENT DISCOUNT AT NEXUS BETWEEN 11.30-13.00).

The event does not require any kind of registration. Just show up!

See you there.

Time and place:
Saturday 10 June, 2017, 11:30-15:30 on the green outdoor area between Solbjerg Plads and Kilen.

Preliminary stage programme:
11.30-11.55: Miguel el Zorro – magician for the kids
12.00-12.10: Welcome by President Per Holten-Andersen and Mayor Jørgen Glenthøj
12.20-12.50: Outlandish
13.00-13.10: Science Slam introduction by CBS President and Prorector DTU and KU
13.10-14.20: Science Slam with Lasse Rimmer as moderator
14.20-15.00: DKDM’s Messingensemble
15.00-15.30: Opera Frederiksberg

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 09/02/2020