HCA Group wishes all of you a Happy Summer! (with heads-up for the Fall)


It has been a good (academic) year. Our LinkedIn Group has grown beyond 350 members. We did several events, many corporate workshops, executive briefings and webinars. We successfully run an applied, skill-building course on “Connecting People and Performance” with Thomas Rasmussen (Shell) and Phillip Neil (WU), and more theoretical course on “Advances in Strategic HRM” with Barry Gerhart (Wisconsin). 

To give you heads-up for the Fall: We will initiate a focused-monthly-theme series. In August, we would like to talk about the data (common but costly mistakes that firms makes, importance of the effect size over significance, how to use confidence interval, etc.). 

Our September’s theme will be on Employee Engagement. We will kick off with the event on “The Use of Employee Engagement Surveys” on the 10th of September (afternoon). We conducted a study this Spring on this topic among the Danish companies. The results will be presented at this event and discussed with two keynote speakers Thomas Møller Jeppesen (LEGO) and Peter V.W. Hartmann (APMM). The invitation will follow. 

Together with Copenhagen Capacity we are currently conducting a study on talent shortage and skills gap in Denmark. This most probably will be our October theme. 

Finally, our “Your HCA Profile” tool is ready. We are making now the online version (that provides both an instant evaluation and immediate benchmarking). We plan to launch this free tool nationally in Denmark on the 1st of October this year. The tool will provide you with an instant evaluation of the current state of human capital analytics in your company. This will allow you to: (1) Identify your company’s strengths and weaknesses, (2) Benchmark your capabilities against other companies, and (3) Gain insights into how to further develop your HCA capabilities. We are planning our annual event on the topic of the “State of Human Capital Analytics in Denmark”, at which we will present the national results. 

Lots of exciting things to talk about! Please feel free to suggest what other topics we should put our focus on. But for now, enjoy the summer and will catch up in August. 

With warm HCA greetings, 

The page was last edited by: Department of Strategic Management & Globalization // 12/17/2017