Jeremy Moon at the University of Melbourne Private Authority and Public Policy

In December, Jeremy Moon participated in a workshop on Interactions between Private Authority and Public Policy in Global (Business) Governance: comparative and inter-disciplinary perspectives hosted by the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne.


The workshop on Interactions between Private Authority and Public Policy in Global (Business) Governance: comparative and inter-disciplinary perspectives was the third of a series of workshops on this theme organized by the Private Authority and Public Policy network that Jeremy initiated in collaboration with Ben Cashore (an Adjunct Professor in Department of MSC, and about to move from Yale to the National University of Singapore).  Jeremy presented a paper with Erin Leitheiser on ‘How domestic contexts shape the organization of international private governance: the case of the European Accord and American Alliance in Bangladesh’.  He also contributed to a roundtable discussion on ‘Comparative Approaches to Studying Transnational Governance Systems’.

The page was last edited by: Centre for Sustainability // 11/15/2021