
Department of International Economics, Government and Business


Room: POR/24.B-2.77
E-mail: eb.egb@cbs.dk

Dr Elias Bengtsson is a MSCI Marie Curie Fellow. His research project - European financial systems in post-crisis recovery - aims to understand how financial systems developed from 2005 to 2020 across European countries, and how crises affected the trajectories of the different countries’ financial systems during this period. The project aims to link disparate fields of scholarship, including financial economics, corporate governance, institutional theory and comparative political economy.

Prior to returning to academia, his experiences include various positions in financial services including Principal Economist at the European Central Bank, Advisor at the central bank of Sweden and Senior Economist at the European Fund and Asset Management Association. In these roles, he has been involved in a variety of tasks relating to financial regulation, including the development of Basel III and the European framework for macroprudential policy. Elias Bengtsson received his PhD from Stockholm University, and has held visiting positions at Stanford University, London School of Economics and Banco de España.

Dr Bengtsson’s publication record includes a large number of articles in a variety of leading international academic journals. His research is widely cited in policy paper by a variety of public and private bodies, including the Bank for International Settlement, Financial Stability Board, Deutsche Bundesbank, National Bank of Belgium, Banque Central de Luxembourg and International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).

Primary research areas
  • Financial system dynamics
  • Economic crises
  • Corporate governance
  • Financialisation
Curriculum Vitae
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Publications sorted by:
Elias Bengtsson; Frida Gustafsson / Are Cryptocurrencies Homogeneous?
In: European Financial Management, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1.2023, p. 150-195
Journal article > peer review
Elias Bengtsson / Covid-19 : What Determines Policy Responses Across Europe?.
In: Crises and Uncertainty in the Economy. ed. /Hachmi Ben Ameur; Zied Ftiti; Wael Louhichi; Jean-Luc Prigent. Cham : Springer 2023, p. 3-18
Book chapter > peer review
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