Record turnout at the PeRCent Annual Conference 2019

More than 170 people participated in PeRCent's 5th annual conference on May 22, 2019


PeRCent Annual Conference 2019_Collage


The Pension Research Centre (PeRCent) at the Department of Finance and the Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School, held its fifth conference 'PeRCent Annual Conference 2019' on May 22, 2019. More than 170 people participated in the conference.

The conference was a joint initiative between Copenhagen Business School and partners from the Danish pension industry and was organized by Professor Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Associate Professor Niels Lyngaard Hansen from the Department of Economics as well as Professor Jesper Rangvid from the Department of Finance.

The programme featured presentations and discussions by:

Torben M. Andersen, Aarhus University
David Blake, Cass Business School
Andrew J.G. Cairns, Heriot-Watt University
Søren Jarner, ATP
David Laibson, Harvard University
Katja Mann, Copenhagen Business School
Claus Munk, Copenhagen Business School
Mogens Steffensen, University of Copenhagen
James Vaupel, University of Southern Denmark
Roine Vestman, Stockholm University
Ward Romp, University of Amsterdam and Netspar

and panel discussions moderated by Svend Erik Hougaard Jensen, Copenhagen Business School. The panel discussions featured:

Allan Lyngsø Madsen, Danish Trade Union Confederation
Steen Nielsen, Confederation of Danish Industry
Per Bremer Rasmussen, Insurance & Pension Denmark
Michael Svarer, Aarhus University and Danish Economic Councils


Presentations as well as pictures are now available on the conference website.

For more information about the conference in general, please see:

The page was last edited by: Department of Finance // 06/18/2019