War Gaming – A Masterclass in Competitive Strategy and Pricing

What is competitive strategy in practice and how does it relate to pricing? Join our Masterclass to learn more about game theory, pricing, and strategy through an interactive game!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 - 15:00 to 18:00

War Gaming – A Masterclass in Competitive Strategy and Pricing

War Gaming – A masterclass in competitive strategy and pricing

Are you interested in competitive strategy? Play an interactive business game with Simon-Kucher & Partners.

Competitive strategy is more than just setting the right price. Pricing is one of the most critical elements of sustaining or improving the profitability of a business, but how does it work in practice? On 26 October 2022, master’s students from across all study programmes at CBS get the chance to get behind the scenes of competitive strategy and pricing, when we invite pricing experts from CBS and Simon-Kucher & Partners to host an interactive masterclass at CBS.


For this masterclass, you get a unique chance to:

1. Get an introduction to game theory, competition, and pricing 

2. Play a business war game and understand how it relates to pricing

3. Meet experts from CBS and Simon-Kucher & Partners 


What to expect:

You will get an introduction to competitive strategy and pricing, where after you will be divided into groups to play against each other for the pricing war game. Everybody is welcome to participate in this event, and no prerequisite knowledge is required.



14.45: Arrive and find a seat. Grab a cup of coffee and cake.

15.00: Introduction to pricing by the Pricing Research Group from the Operations Management Department at CBS

15.30: Introduction to pricing war game

15.50: Pricing war game in groups

17.20: Wrap up

17.30: Networking and sandwiches sponsored by Simon-Kucher & Partners


Practical information:

What: War Gaming – A Masterclass in Competitive Strategy and Pricing

Date and time: 26 October 2022 from 15.00 to 18.00 (followed by networking and sandwiches)

Venue: CBS, Graduate House, HN112

Registration deadline: 26 October 2022 at 12.00

Who can attend? All graduate students from CBS get the chance to get behind the scenes of competitive strategy and pricing, when we invite pricing experts from CBS and Simon-Kucher & Partners to host a masterclass at CBS.


Please note this masterclass is interactive, and you will be divided into smaller groups to discuss theory and play a war game with other students from CBS. You do not have to have any prerequisite knowledge of competitive strategy and pricing in order to participate.

The page was last edited by: CBS Careers // 09/20/2022