The Supreme Court of the USA

Seminar arrangered by CSA and the Embassy of the United States in Copenhagen

Friday, September 22, 2006 - 13:00 to 17:00

Seminar on the Supreme Court and its role in the U.S. political process arrangered by Center for the Study of the Americas and the Embassy of the United States in Copenhagen.

In recent decades the Supreme Court has played a major part in US public debate. In a polarized political context, both sides have increasingly looked to the Supreme Court for decision on such controversial issues as privacy, freedom of speech, abortion and the death penalty. This, in turn, has given rise to renewed discussions about the role of the Supreme Court and its scope of action in relation to the Constitution. At the same time the nomination of new judges has become intensely contested political ground.

Speakers at the seminar: David Savage (Los Angeles Times)

The Supreme Court as a Mirror of Change and Debate in American Society, Edward Whelan III (Ethics and Public Policy Center)

The Supreme Court Confirmation process, Edwin S. Kneedler (Deputy Solicitor General)

Advocacy and the Role of the Executive Branch before the Supreme Court, Robert McKeever (London Metropolitan University)

Chief Justice Roberts and the Prospects of a “Roberts Court”.

The page was last edited by: Communications // 09/06/2006