About CBS



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Station is a multi-disciplinary movement and a dynamic innovation platform for cross-collaboration, co-creation and engagement. We empower students and graduates to become future changemakers by creating engaging networks of students, graduates, young professionals, and societal actors - while offering great opportunities to create real-life impact in collaboration with peers and professionals.  

Our purpose is to create a visionary, sustainable, open, and inclusive community using the engagement, curiosity, responsibility and innovation of students and graduates to drive societal change and sustainable impact. We believe that students and graduates have the potentials to create solutions for a better future, and we offer members and users a chance to take a stab at formulating and implementing the solutions for a better tomorrow.

However, we also believe that neither public, civil nor private institutions as well as universities or student organisations of today, are fully equipped to leverage these potentials singlehandedly. In short, there is a need to build a platform where silo’s between students – as well as between students and societal actors –  are dissolved. Where students, graduates and opinion leaders meet in an informal and cross-disciplinary learning community to challenge status quo and address the complex challenges of society.

Station aims at developing new learning communities, professional networks and cross-disciplinary meetings between students, graduates, organisations and institutions. We offer a wide portfolio of activities, events and programmes, with the purpose of providing students and graduates the tools and opportunities to create societal impact and take part in shaping a better and more sustainable future.

As students and graduates, we are driven by a need to take part in addressing future challenges and build a better tomorrow. We demand change and wish to speak our voice. And that calls for new ways of collaborating, innovating, and co-creating.  

Overview of activities


Station is located in the former Frederiksberg police station at Howitzvej 30. After undergoing a full interior renovation and revitalisation, the building offers spaces and facilities for supporting learning experiences, innovation and collaboration.

At Station, students and graduates meet across academic backgrounds, interests, and skills to engage in co-creation and innovation projects. We are a professional and social powerhouse for graduates and Danish and international students - and a melting pot for changemakers and game changers with high ambitions and a need for change. That is why we do our very best to offer students and graduates a platform for becoming actively engaged in shaping our society, while developing each other as people and professionals.


Station is realised with the help from: VELUX fonden · Tuborg Fondet · Nordea Fonden · Otto Mønsted Fonden · Augustinus Fonden · FrederiksbergFonden · Weimans Fond · Knud Højgaards Fond · DSEB

The page was last edited by: Campus Services // 07/11/2023