CBS appoints four new heads of department

As of the beginning of 2016, four CBS departments have appointed new heads.


Nye institutledere

(Photo: Peter Arnt Nielsen, Carsten Ørts Hansen, Caroline de la Porte and Michael Mol)

Four new heads of department are ready to take up the position from the beginning of 2016.

At the Department of Strategic Management and Globalization (SMG), professor Michael Mol is new head from January.  Michael Mol is already at SMG and is an expert in strategic and international management.

The Department of Business and Politics (DBP) has appointed associate professor Caroline de la Porte as head from 1 February. She comes from Roskilde University, where she has conducted research on the welfare state, changes in European governance and the consequences for social policy in particular.

The Department of Operations Management (OM) welcomes associate professor Carsten Ørts Hansen in January. He has been with CBS for a number of years, where he has been in charge of CBS Maritime.

Professor Peter Arnt continues as head of the Law Department.

This means that professors Susana Borrás, Jan Mouritzen, and Bent Petersen step down as heads of department. They will, however, stay at CBS.

CBS posted seven vacancy announcements for heads of department in the autumn of 2015. The Department of Economics (ECON), the Department of Accounting and Auditing (ACC), and the Department of Marketing (MARKTG) await clarification on the matter. ECON will, however, reannounce the vacancy.

For more information, please contact Martin Kramer-Jørgensen

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017