A new name for CBS' new department

A new department, which as of 2017 is the result of a merger between the Department of Intercultural Communication and Management and the Department of International Business Communication, has been named the Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC). Dorte Salskov-Iversen is Head of Department and Annika Dilling is Head of Secretariat.


Cross- and inter-disciplinary by birth, the new Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC) brings together scholarship within management, communication and the broader social sciences with a particular interest in studying organisations in global environments and the relations of organisations to the wider society.

MSC is a significant supplier of research-based teaching to a broad portfolio of programmes, which includes undergraduate, graduate and doctoral supervision and teaching as well as executive education in the fields of (Responsible) Management/Leadership; Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability; Business and Development  (with an emphasis on the emerging/growth economies context dimension as well as (social) entrepreneurship & innovation); and Organisational Communication (Corporate Communication, Strategic Communication, Marketing Communication, Leadership Communication, Communications and Digital Transformations, International Business Communication).

MSC is located in CBS’ Dalgas Have. However, the physical co-location of all staff will be finally accomplished by mid August 2017. Until then, part of MSC will remain based at Porcelænshaven 18.

MSC’s electronic identity and presence are under construction and are expected to be up and running in mid February.

The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 12/17/2017