
Department of Strategy and Innovation

Martin Jes
Associate professor
PhD, Vice Dean of International Education

Room: KIL/14.A-2.58
E-mail: mji.si@cbs.dk
Martin Jes Iversen

MPP Research - Video portrait - Martin Jes Iversen:


Primary research areas

Martin Jes Iversen's (MJI) primary research area is strategy and innovation with an empirical focus on contemporary Danish shipping.

MJI's current research concerns strategies and innovation in Danish shipping companies after year 2000, with focus on the case of the Danish shipping company Norden.

His research on strategy can be described as ”post-chandlerian” inspired by the American economic sociologist Neil Fligsteins theory on organisational key-actors, impetus for change and the following concept of strategic regimes (Fligtein, 1990). MJI has published three books based on the regime-theoretic framework in East Asiatic Company/ØK (Iversen, 2016), GN Store Nord (Iversen, 2015) and Finansiel Stabilitet (Iversen, 2013) and the research behind the books has been used in peer reviewed articles concerning the Financial Crises in Scandinavia (Iversen & Sjøgren, 2019); Shipping in Scandinavia (Tenold & Iversen, 2014; Sornn-Friese, Taudal Poulsen & Iversen, 2012).

MJI's research on innovation is focused on the contemporary development of Danish shipping. With inspiration from the late Schumpeter's concept of ”creative response to economic change” (1947) he tries to understand particular business models and digitalization in shipping after 1990.

All his research is embedded in a wider interest in the role of private enterprises in the development of the modern capitalistic societies including the relation between the companies and the state in the processes of economic globalization.


Administrative tasks

Martin Jes Iversen is Vice Dean of International Education at Copenhagen Business School. He holds the managerial responsibility of the International Office, which includes 18 employees and coordinate the exchange of more than 2000 students between CBS and the partner universities.

As Vice Dean MJI has launched two important initiatives:
1) The Academic Embedded Internationalization which bridge the academic ambitions of the CBS programs with the students opportunities for international learning experiences. The aim is to create international agreements with selected partners, which will foster the academic learning aims of the programs.
2) The One-Point-Entry system, which coordinates all delegation visits to CBS. CBS receives 2-4 international delegation visits every month and the Vice Dean coordinates these visits in close collaboration with the President, the two deans and the Vice President.


Curriculum Vitae
Link to this homepage

In 2019 Martin Jes Iversen is course responsible for the 15 ECTS point course ”Internship 1” at the BSc in International Shipping and Trade program. The course is based on the fifth semester of the program, and the students are analysing the learning experiences of their internship using selected theories and concepts from their previous courses.
In 2020 MJI will coordinate a new elective entitled ”Strategy and Digitalization - the Maritime Sector” in collaboration with Associate Professor Johannes Luger (SI) and Professor Ioanna Constantiou (DIGI).



Martin Jes Iversen is the supervisor for bachelor projects and master theses with focus on contemporary Danish shipping, in particular in relation to three academic areas:
-    Strategy including business models
-    Innovation including digitalization
-    Corporate responses to institutional change


Other teaching activities

Martin Jes Iversen has been introducing Danish capitalism to international delegations from several universities when they visit CBS:
-    George Washington University
-    University of Liverpool
-    University of South Carolina
-    Ngee Ann Polytechnic
-    Chinese University of Hong Kong
-    Singapore Management University

In 2015-2016 Martin Jes Iversen developed a 2 weeks introduction to Danish shipping for a group of students from Singapore Management University.


Selected publications

Henrik Sornn-Friese; Martin Jes Iversen: The Establishment of the Danish International Ship Register (DIS) and its Connections to the Maritime Cluster. In: International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2014, p. 82-103

Martin Jes Iversen: Economic Orders and Formative Phases: A Business Historical Journey through Danish Capitalism, 1850-2000. In: Mapping European Corporations: Strategy, Structure, Ownership and Performance. Editors: Andrea Colli; Abe De Jong; Martin Jes Iversen. Abingdon: Routledge 2012, p. 169-194

Stig Tenold (Editor); Martin Iversen (Editor); Even Lange (Editor): Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences after 1960. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2012, 237 p.

Susanna Fellman; Martin Iversen; Hans Sjögren; Lars Thue: Creating Nordic capitalism: The business history of a competitive periphery. Palgrave Macmillan 2008, 636 p.


Publications sorted by:
Martin Jes Iversen / Danmark – landet med de store virksomheder
In: Økonomi og Politik, Vol. 95, No. 3-4, 12.2022, p. 16-26
Journal article > peer review
Michele Acciaro; Martin Jes Iversen / Vertical Integration and Decarbonization : How Bundling Ocean Transport and Logistics can Reduce Green-House Gas Emissions.
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2022, 2022
Conference abstract for conference > peer review
Martin Jes Iversen / Maritime Digital Business Models : The Case of D/S Norden, 2015–2020.
In: New Maritime Business: Uncertainty, Sustainability, Technology and Big Data. . ed. /Byoung-Wook Ko; Dong-Wook Song. Cham : Springer 2021, p. 113-126 (WMU Studies in Maritime Affairs, Vol. 10)
Book chapter > peer review
Martin Jes Iversen / Norden rundt : Dampskibsselskabet Norden 1871-2021.
København : Lindhardt & Ringhof 2021, 311 p.
Martin Jes Iversen; Jesper Buhl / Danish Shipping in the 21st Century : Navigating Troubled Waters.
Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2020, 78 p. (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics)
Book > peer review
Henrik Sornn-Friese; Martin Jes Iversen / A Discovery-driven Approach to Digital Transformation in Shipping
Abstract from The Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists. IAME 2019, 2019
Conference abstract for conference
Martin Jes Iversen / East Asiatic Company's Difficult Experiences with Containerization
In: Shipping and Globalization in the Post-War Era: Contexts, Companies, Connections. . ed. /Niels P. Petersson; Stig Tenold; Nicholas White. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan 2019, p. 133-155 (Palgrave Studies in Maritime Economics)
Book chapter > peer review
Hans Sjögren; Martin Jes Iversen / The State as the Investor of Last Resort : A Comparative Study of Banking Crises in Denmark and Sweden.
In: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 67, No. 2, 6.2019, p. 171-189
Journal article > peer review
Martin Jes Iversen / Ole Lange (4. august 1937 – 25. november 2017)
In: Historisk Tidsskrift, Vol. 118, No. 1, 2018, p. 186-189
Espen Ekberg; Martin Jes Iversen / Time for a Nordic Business History Initiative?
In: Scandinavian Economic History Review, Vol. 66, No. 1, 2018, p. 9-17
Journal article > peer review
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