Centre for Business History

Public Outreach

We are featured regularly and prominently in the Danish and international media. The members of the Centre offer their expertise to cultural institutions, entrepreneurial ventures, newspapers and magazines. We are open to being approached by the media on topics within our areas of expertise.

Grand Challenges


CBS Center for Civil Society Studies

Our researchers are affiliated with and run the CBS Center for Civil Society Studies. They take part in expert committees on media and civil society issues, mass media, practitioner workshop and summer school courses in the CBS/Executive framework.

"Danish social sciences have a lot to offer when it comes to studies concerning the state and the market, but not nearly as much when it comes to “the third sector”, where associations, foundations and other self-governing organizations play leading roles. The CBS Center for Civil Society Studies (CfC) will try to remedy this lack of research-based knowledge."

(Om Centret, Civilsamfundet - translated to english)


Danish Media

Members of our Centre feature regularly in the Danish media, as authors and experts on long-term developments in business and questions of history, temporality and legacy. For a small selection of appearances see the links below


Danmarks Tekniske Kulturarv: Digitale Spor fra DTU


The page was last edited by: Sekretariat for Ledelse og Kommunikation // 08/03/2022